
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Use the following example as a template. Start by setting a value for admin_key. Any string is valid. The longer the better.

  "domains": {},
  "config": {
    "admin_key": "<key>"
  1. Setup dependencies pipenv install --python 3.9

  2. Launch the application pipenv run python app.py

Add new domain

curl http://<address>/actions?key=<ADMIN_KEY>" -d '{"action": "add", "domain": "<DOMAIN>"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example to add a domain named sapo.pt:

curl http://localhost:5000/actions?key=cb816a251f9f43fea54b4470044cd25d" -d '{"action": "add", "domain": "sapo.pt"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Delete domain

curl "http://<address>/actions?key=<ADMIN_KEY>" -d '{"action": delete", "domain": "<DOMAIN>"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example to delete a domain named sapo.pt:

curl http://localhost:5000/actions?key=cb816a251f9f43fea54b4470044cd25d" -d '{"action": "delete", "domain": "sapo.pt"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Authorize a thirdparty domain

curl "http://<address>/actions?key=<ADMIN_KEY>" -d '{"action": "authorize_thirdparty", "domain": "<MAIN_DOMAIN>", "authorized_thirdparties": "<THIRDPARTY_DOMAIN>"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

####Example to authorize a thirdparty domain (foobar.com) to display logo from sapo.pt: curl "http://localhost:5000/actions?key=cb816a251f9f43fea54b4470044cd25d" -d '{"action": "authorize_thirdparty", "domain": "sapo.pt", "authorized_thirdparties": "foobar.com"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Revoke a thirdparty domain

curl "http://<address>/actions?key=<ADMIN_KEY>" -d '{"action": "revoke_thirdparty", "domain": "<MAIN_DOMAIN>", "authorized_thirdparties": "<THIRDPARTY_DOMAIN>"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

####Example to revoke a thirdparty domain (foobar.com) to display logo from sapo.pt: curl "http://localhost:5000/actions?key=cb816a251f9f43fea54b4470044cd25d" -d '{"action": "revoke_thirdparty", "domain": "sapo.pt", "authorized_thirdparties": "foobar.com"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Attach the logo to a domain:

curl -v http://<address>/upload -F file=@<LOCAL_IMAGE> -F domain=<DOMAIN> -F key=<ADMIN_KEY>

Example to upload a logo (medal.jpeg) and attach it to domain sapo.pt

curl -v http://localhost:5000/upload -F file=@mylogo.jpeg -F domain=sapo.pt -F key=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

Get image for domain

curl -v http://<address>/image/<DOMAIN>

Example to get logo for sapo.pt

curl -v http://localhost:5000/image/sapo.pt

Get image for thirdparty

curl -v http://<address>/image/<DOMAIN>/<THIRDPARTY_DOMAIN>

Example to get logo to return sapo.pt logo to a webpage running on google.com

curl -v http://localhost:5000/image/sapo.pt/google.com