Obsidian Local LLM is a plugin for Obsidian that provides access to a powerful neural network, allowing users to generate text in a wide range of styles and formats using a local LLM.
- a13ph
- and-rewsmithUCSC Neuromorphic Computing Group
- atanizBerlin
- BrennonTWilliamsDallas, TX
- coder-pikachuAmazon Web Services
- damujen
- darkmuckMechanicsburg, PA, USA
- EasyDevvSeoul, South Korea
- eKerney
- eleqtrizitNVIDIA
- faraz@ibm-client-engineering
- felipesabinoAmazon
- ferminLR
- gigabytexUniversity of Houston
- grouzen@zivergetech
- HariSurayagariJBS USA
- hdxzzxdh
- HelenGuohxSunnyvale CA
- izikerosErnst & Young
- JadeGeek
- JakeStevenson@improving
- jgwagenfeld
- jiangbanglian
- jus-jusEurope
- Kmfernan5
- Meathelix1
- mvandermeulenFivenynes
- Pent
- replete
- severian42
- ssuresh1228
- StickNClutch
- tj31moll
- todearaujoSão Paulo, SP
- zhibor
- ZTechGuy