
Twig integration for Evolution CMS 1.x

Primary LanguagePHP

EvoTwig 2

The second version of EvoTwig - a plugin to replace default Evo parser with Twig.

The advantages are:

  • fast and powerful template engine;
  • simple cache engine with a lot of drivers, supported by DocLister and MODxAPI;
  • no need to sanitize MODX tags in user input;
  • storing templates in files - use your favourite editor with syntax highlighting and GIT;
  • redesigning of the whole site becomes very simple.

Differences from EvoTwig 1.x:

  • Twig 3;
  • can be installed without composer;
  • ability to add custom Twig extensions;
  • evo parser post procession can be switched off completely;
  • plugin settings can be overriden with config file;
  • support of so called controllers to add custom data to templates (similar to Evo3 controllers);
  • template name should be set without extension (like DocLister @FILE chunk);
  • "cache" tag syntax differs from earlier versions of Twig.


Without composer

Update DocLister. Then install EvoTwig2 via Extras module or manually. All needed libraries are bundled, but you cannot have their latest versions. So, it's better to use composer.

With composer

Update DocLister. Then run "composer require pathologic/evo-twig-lib" in the "assets" folder, then install EvoTwig2 plugin with Extras module or manually. Create autoload entries in assets/composer.json if needed, then run "composer update" in the "assets" folder.

Do not run composer commands or edit composer.json in site root folder as all changes of composer.json will be lost after Evo update.


  • templatesPath - path to the templates folder, default is "assets/templates/tpl/";
  • templatesExtension - extension of the template file, default is "tpl";
  • templatesCachePath - path to the folder containing templates cache;
  • dataCachePath - path to the folder containing data cache if Filesystem Cache driver is used;
  • baseController - base controller class;
  • allowedFunctions - allowed php functions to use as functions in Twig templates, comma separated;
  • allowedFilters - allowed php functions to use as filters in Twig templates, comma separated;
  • debug - enables debug mode;
  • disableTwig - disables Twig for templates;
  • disablePostProcess - disables Evo parser post procession, set "false" to use evo style links ([2]);
  • cacheDocumentObject - set "true" to cache document object.

All these settings can be overriden by the settings from "config.php" file. There's an example in "assets/plugins/evotwig/config/" folder. As it's php file, you can change settings under different conditions.

Default cache driver is Filesystem Cache driver, you can change it with "cache.php" file. There's an example in "assets/plugins/evotwig/config/" folder.


Create template files in your templates folder. Then link Evo templates to them using template code field:


Available template variables are:

  • modx - DocumentParser object;
  • documentObject - $modx->documentObject;
  • config - $modx->config;
  • resource - document fields and tvs, a simple version of the document object;
  • plh - $modx->placeholders;
  • debug - true if debug mode is enabled;
  • ajax - true if page is requested with ajax.

If you need to get the whole "plh" or "_SESSION" array, then use toArray() method:

{{ dump(_SESSION.toArray()) }}

Some Evo specific functions are added:

{{ runSnippet('SnippetName',{

{{ getChunk('chunkName') }}

{{ parseChunk('chunkName', {'foo':'bar','bar':'baz'}) }}

{{ parseChunk('@CODE:[+foo+] is bar, [+bar+] is baz', {'foo':'bar','bar':'baz'}) }}

{{ makeUrl(2) }}
{{ makeUrl(2, {foo: 'bar'}) }}
{{ makeUrl(2, {}, true) }}
{{ makeUrl(2, {bar: 'foo'}, false) }}

You can use php functions as Twig functions or filters. Just add their names in plugin parameters.

To use Twig with chunks, add "@T_FILE:" or "@T_CODE:" prefix:

&tpl=`@T_CODE: {{ data.pagetitle }}`

Template variables in chunks depend on snippets code. For example, DocLister chunks contain "data", "modx", "DocLister" variables, FormLister - "data", "modx", "FormLister", "errors", "plh". See docs to get variables list.

Adding Twig extensions

All extensions are placed in "assets/plugins/evotwig/addons/" folder according to their type. See Twig documentation and existing extensions code.


You may use controller classes to add custom template variables. All controller classes should implement \Pathologic\EvoTwig\ControllerInterface.

Using cache

Cache provide is available via $modx->cache property:

$modx->cache->save('cache_key', $data); //cache data with key
$modx->cache->save('cache_key', $data, 600); //cache for 600 seconds
$modx->cache->contains('cache_key'); //check for cached data with key
$modx->cache->fetch('cache_key'); // get cached data by key

You can cache snippets with getCache snippet for a number of seconds or infinitely. Snippet parameters:

  • snippetName — the name of snippet to run, required;
  • key — cache key, required;
  • lifetime — cache lifetime if you cache for time, not required;
  • keyGenerator — snippet or function to generate cache key, not required.