I am the happy owner of a kalenji watch that I use to record my bike activities. I wrote this little script to export my last rides from my watch (gpx files) to my strava account. To export the activities from the watch to gpx files, I used this open source project kalenji-gps-watch-reader. This article and strava documentation help me to understand how to use the API.
The exporter also support garmin devices. The script was tested with my garmin edge 520+ device but I am pretty confident that It will work for all garmin devices.
Plug your watch and run the tiny little script exporter.sh
exporter.sh creates the gpx files using the below configuration and then run exporter.py.
reads the gpx files, does some checks on them to be sure that they are valid and uploads them to strava.
reads the fit files from the mounted garmin device, chooses those who are more recent than the last strava activity
and uploads them to strava.
For both devices, You must create a file named .env into the repository project which contain these variable
Warning .env file must finish with an empty line (\n)
- Retrieve read authorization code
Paste the below link into your browser. Don't forget to replace client_id with the id of your app created in strava. Authenticate and authorize the app with the checked permission.
http://www.strava.com/oauth/authorize?client_id={client_id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost/exchange_token&approval_prompt=force&scope=profile:read_all,activity:read_all You will be redirect to a non working page. Extract the authorization_code from this page url.
- Retrieve write authorization code
Same procedure as read procedure, but use the below link
- how to automate initial authentication ?
- use this library to retrieve the read or write token
- transform the python script into a flask app with an authorization endpoint to retrieve the read or write code
client = Client()
authorize_url = client.authorization_url(client_id=49524, redirect_uri='http://localhost:5000/authorization',
def authorization():
code = request.args.get('code') # this a single code for read and write, you can simplify the exporter script
# by using this single instead of read and write code.
# rest of exporter.py main code