- Local repo is in the pc
- Remote repo is in github
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m "a"
- git push origin master
- git remote add origin
- git checkout -b branch
- git add .
- git commit -m "branch"
- git push origin branch
git clone (kena fork dulu project pastu copy link url )
git status
git add .
git commit -m"commit"
git push origin master
go to our fork project in github & create pull request
then owner of the project will merge if it ok
git checkout -b newbranch //create new branch name newbranch
git checkout newbranch //going to branch newbranch
git merge master //current branch is newbranch, it will merge master file to nebranch
- git checkout master
- git branch -d branch
- git pull //go to master branch
- git merge
- git status
rm -rf .git
- git revert commithash