
Dockerfiles for Winter CMS

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Docker for Winter CMS

These docker build files are still a work in progress!

Here are some Dockerfiles for Winter CMS.

Building Images

The quickest way to build an image is with the following commands:

  • PHP 7.4 + FPM: make build-fpm
  • PHP 7.4 + FPM + Alpine: make build-fpm-alpine

Getting Started

By default, when the container starts, artisan winter:up is executed to complete migrations.

Note: If there is no database on the first run, a random password is generated by Winter. To reset the admin password, run docker exec -it <container_id> artisan winter:passwd admin or docker-compose exec <service> artisan winter:passwd admin.

A note about Alpine Linux

Be aware that the default UID/GID for the www-data user in alpine is 82 (whereas it is 33 under debian). If you're mounting host directories, you may need to chown 82:82 them first.



E.g. to change the default admin password:

docker-compose exec wintercms winter passwd


E.g. to install a plugin:

docker-compose exec wintercms artisan plugin:install AuthorName.PluginName


Composer is available inside the image. E.g. to install the Builder plugin:

docker-compose exec wintercms composer require winter/wn-builder-plugin


Most of the configuration can be set using environment variables, although for more advanced configurations you can mount your config directory to /var/www/html/config/docker. Each config option and it's defaults are documented in the config/wintercms directory.

Configuration Option Envionment Variable
app.debug APP_DEBUG
environment.default APP_ENV
app.name APP_NAME
app.key APP_KEY
app.url APP_URL
app.trustedHosts APP_TRUSTED_HOSTS
app.timezone APP_TZ
app.locale APP_LOCALE
cache.default CACHE_STORE (the redis store is configured to use a different connection than the queue)
cms.activeTheme CMS_ACTIVE_THEME
cms.edgeUpdates CMS_EDGE_UPDATES
cms.backendUri CMS_BACKEND_URI
cms.backendForceSecure CMS_BACKEND_FORCE_SECURE
cms.backendForceRemember CMS_BACKEND_FORCE_REMEMBER
cms.backendSkin CMS_BACKEND_SKIN
cms.disableCoreUpdates CMS_DISABLE_CORE_UPDATES
cms.disablePlugins CMS_DISABLE_PLUGINS (e.g.: October.Demo,Acme.Demo)
cms.assetCache CMS_ASSET_CACHE
cms.databaseTemplates CMS_DATABASE_TEMPLATES
cms.pluginsPath CMS_PLUGINS_PATH
cms.themesPath CMS_THEMES_PATH
cms.storage.*.disk CMS_*_DISK
cms.storage.*.folder CMS_*_FOLDER
cms.storage.*.path CMS_*_PATH
cms.convertLineEndings CMS_CONVERT_LINE_ENDINGS
cms.linkPolicy CMS_LINK_POLICY
cms.defaultMask.file CMS_DEFAULT_MASK_FILE
cms.defaultMask.folder CMS_DEFAULT_MASK_FOLDER
cms.enableCsrfProtection CMS_CSRF_PROTECTION
database.default DB_CONNECTION
database.sqlite.database SQLITE_PATH
database.(mysql|pgsql).host DB_HOST
database.(mysql|pgsql).port DB_PORT
database.(mysql|pgsql).database DB_DATABASE
database.(mysql|pgsql).username DB_USERNAME
database.(mysql|pgsql).password DB_PASSOWRD
database.redis.(default|cache).host REDIS_HOST
database.redis.(default|cache).port REDIS_PORT
database.redis.(default|cache).password REDIS_PASSWORD
database.redis.default.database REDIS_DB
database.redis.cache.database REDIS_CACHE_DB
mail.driver MAIL_DRIVER
mail.host MAIL_HOST
mail.port MAIL_PORT
mail.from.address MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS
mail.from.name MAIL_FROM_NAME
mail.encryption MAIL_ENCRYPTION
mail.username MAIL_USERNAME
mail.password MAIL_PASSWORD
queue.default QUEUE_CONNECTION
queue.connections.redis.queue REDIS_QUEUE
queue.failed.database DB_CONNECTION
session.driver SESSION_DRIVER
session.lifetime SESSION_LIFETIME
session.expire_on_close SESSION_EXPIRE_ON_CLOSE
session.encrypt SESSION_ENCRYPT
session.cookie SESSION_COOKIE
session.http_only SESSION_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY
session.same_site SESSION_COOKIE_SAME_SITE


Some ideas were borrowed from aspendigital/docker-octobercms. Their images work great for October.