
home of the m26-js npm library.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC



A Node.js library for speed and pace calculations for sports like running and cycling. Age-graded times and heart-rate training-zones are also supported.



Add m26-js to your project or package.json file:

npm install m26-js

Require m26-js in your code:

m26 = require("m26-js")

Note: this library is now implemented with TypeScript, but these examples are in CoffeeScript.


m26-js defines the following:

m26.M26Constants.VERSION:             0.3.2
m26.M26Constants.UOM_MILES:           m
m26.M26Constants.UOM_KILOMETERS:      k
m26.M26Constants.UOM_YARDS:           y
m26.M26Constants.UNITS_OF_MEASURE:    ["m","k","y"]
m26.M26Constants.KILOMETERS_PER_MILE: 1.609344
m26.M26Constants.YARDS_PER_MILE:      1760
m26.M26Constants.MILES_PER_KILOMETER: 0.621371192237334
m26.M26Constants.YARDS_PER_KILOMETER: 1093.6132983377076
m26.M26Constants.SECONDS_PER_HOUR:    3600


Construct an M26Age from either a Number or String value.

Methods val(), max_pulse(), add(), subtract() and training_zones() are available. Max-pulse and training-zones are based on the widely known "220 - age" formula.

a20 = new m26.M26Age(20.2)
a21 = new m26.M26Age(21)
a57 = new m26.M26Age("57.1")
a20.val()  ->  20.2
a21.val()  ->  21
a57.val()  ->  57.1
a20.max_pulse()   ->  199.8
a21.max_pulse()   ->  199
a57.max_pulse()   ->  162.9
a57.add(a20)      ->  77.3
a57.subtract(a20) ->  36.900000000000006

zones = a57.training_zones()
JSON.stringify(zones) -> [{"zone":1,"age":57.1,"max":162.9,"pct_max":0.95,"pulse":155},{"zone":2,"age":57.1,"max":162.9,"pct_max":0.9,"pulse":147},{"zone":3,"age":57.1,"max":162.9,"pct_max":0.85,"pulse":138},{"zone":4,"age":57.1,"max":162.9,"pct_max":0.8,"pulse":130},{"zone":5,"age":57.1,"max":162.9,"pct_max":0.75,"pulse":122}]


Calculate and return an M26Age object, given a birth date, and optional as-of date.

c  = new m26.M26AgeCalculator()
a0 = c.calculate("2014-10-01", "2014-11-01")
a1 = c.calculate("1960-10-01", "2014-11-01")
a0.val()  ->  0.08487337440109514
a1.val()  ->  54.08350444900753


The default unit-of-measure is miles ("m"), but "k" or "y" may also be specified.

Methods uom(), as_miles(), as_kilometers(), as_yards(), add(), and subtract() are available.

d1 = new m26.M26Distance(26.2)
d1.uom             -> m
d1.as_miles()      -> 26.2
d1.as_kilometers() -> 42.1648128
d1.as_yards()      -> 46112

M26Distances can be constructed from other units, and added and subtracted.

d2 = new m26.M26Distance(4.8)
d3 = new m26.M26Distance(10.0, "k")
d4 = d1.subtract(d3)
d5 = d1.add(d2)
d4.as_miles()      -> 19.98628807762666
d5.as_miles()      -> 31


M26ElapsedTime objects can be constructed from a Number of seconds, or "hh:mm:ss", "hh:mm", or "ss" String values.

Methods as_hhmmss(), seconds(), and hours() are available.

t1 = new m26.M26ElapsedTime(3665)
t1.as_hhmmss() -> 01:01:05
t1.seconds()   -> 3665
t1.hours()     -> 1.0180555555555555

t2 = new m26.M26ElapsedTime("3:47:30")
t2.as_hhmmss() -> 03:47:30
t2.seconds()   -> 13650
t2.hours()     -> 3.7916666666666665


Calculate a M26Speed based on a given M26Distance and M26ElapsedTime.

Methods mph(), kph(), yph(), seconds_per_mile(), pace_per_mile() and projected_time() are available.

d  = new m26.M26Distance(26.2)
d2 = new m26.M26Distance(50.0, "k")
t  = new m26.M26ElapsedTime("04:10:00")
s  = new m26.M26Speed(d, t)

s.mph()  -> 6.287999999999999
s.kph()  -> 10.119555071999999
s.yph()  -> 11066.88

s.seconds_per_mile() -> 572.5190839694657
s.pace_per_mile()    -> 9:32.51

s.projected_time(d2)           -> 04:56:27.343289236658165
s.projected_time(d2, "simple") -> 04:56:27.343289236658165  # simple linear formula
s.projected_time(d2, "riegel") -> 04:59:30.173762582930067  # exponential formula

a1 = new m26.M26Age(42.5)
a2 = new m26.M26Age(57.1)
s2 = s.age_graded(a1, a2)
s.mph()   -> 6.287999999999999
s2.mph()  -> 5.770789859154929

Test Results

Running "mocha_istanbul:coverage" (mocha_istanbul) task

  Class M26AgeCalculator:
      ✓ should implement milliseconds_per_year()
      ✓ should implement calculate()

  Class M26Age:
      ✓ constructor should receive a string arg
      ✓ constructor should receive a number arg
      ✓ constructor should handle null and undefined
    adding and subtracting
      ✓ should add two ages
      ✓ should subtract one age from another
    max pulse calculation
      ✓ should implement max_pulse()
    heartbeat/pulse training zones
      ✓ should implement training_zones()

  Class M26Constants:
      ✓ defines VERSION
      ✓ VERSION matches package.json version
    units of measure
      ✓ defines UOM_MILES
      ✓ defines UOM_KILOMETERS
      ✓ defines UOM_YARDS
      ✓ defines UNITS_OF_MEASURE
    unit conversion values
      ✓ defines KILOMETERS_PER_MILE
      ✓ defines MILES_PER_KILOMETER
      ✓ defines YARDS_PER_KILOMETER
      ✓ defines FEET_PER_KILOMETER
      ✓ defines FEET_PER_METER
      ✓ defines YARDS_PER_MILE
      ✓ defines SECONDS_PER_HOUR

  Class M26Distance:
    constructor and conversion
      ✓ constructor should assume miles
      ✓ constructor should be coerced to miles
      ✓ constructor, with miles
      ✓ constructor, with kilometers
      ✓ constructor, with yards
    add and subtract
      ✓ should add
      ✓ should subtract

  Class M26ElapsedTime:
      ✓ constructor with a number of seconds
      ✓ constructor with a hh:mm:ss string
      ✓ constructor with a mm:ss string
      ✓ constructor with a ss string

  Class M26Speed:
    construction and calculation
      ✓ calculates a 2-mile walk, with round numbers
      ✓ calculates a marathon, with fractional pace_per_mile
    age grading
      ✓ age-grades a given marathon time to several ages
    time projection
      ✓ projected_time using a simple linear formula
      ✓ projected_time using the exponential riegel formula

  38 passing (28ms)

Writing coverage object [/Users/cjoakim/github/m26-js/coverage/coverage.json]
Writing coverage reports at [/Users/cjoakim/github/m26-js/coverage]

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 100% ( 210/210 )
Branches     : 97.14% ( 68/70 )
Functions    : 97.44% ( 38/39 )
Lines        : 100% ( 208/208 )

Release History

  • 2015-05-13 - v0.3.2 - Repackaged again, from a single merged m26-js.ts file. Tests enhanced.
  • 2015-05-12 - v0.3.1 - Renamed lib from m26.js to m26-js.js, etc, and repackaged.
  • 2015-05-12 - v0.3.0 - Project ported from CoffeeScript to Typescript, with m26.d.ts typings file.
  • 2014-11-09 - v0.2.0 - Corrected the English-to-Metric and Metric-to-English conversions.
  • 2014-11-06 - v0.1.5 - Fix require statement in examples documentation.
  • 2014-11-05 - v0.1.4 - Removed a spec_helper function.
  • 2014-11-02 - v0.1.3 - Added Age.training_zones()
  • 2014-11-01 - v0.1.2 - Added Speed.age_graded()
  • 2014-11-01 - v0.1.1 - Added Speed.projected_time(), Age, AgeCalculator.
  • 2014-11-01 - v0.1.0 - Initial working version.
  • 2014-11-01 - v0.0.3 - alpha 3
  • 2014-11-01 - v0.0.2 - alpha 2
  • 2014-11-01 - v0.0.1 - alpha 1