Built Using Tall Stack

Tailwind CSS Alpine.js Livewire Laravel
Alpine.js Livewire Laravel

Tailwind-CSS AlpineJS Laravel v8.x Livewire v2.x PHP 8.0

Few lines describing your project.

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

This is app was built as a project at Sana'a University Colleage of Computer and Information Technology. it is a simple Task managment app.

🔐 Peremissions

Roles and Permissions are essentially three:

  1. Super Admin: Can manage roles peremissions , backups , activity logs , add users , projects and tasks.
  2. Admin: Can create projects, tasks , and edit them.
  3. user: Can Edit tasks status to any status except of Done, for a task status to be changed to done an admin must change it.
  4. admins , and users can only see records they are involved in ie , they are assigned for that project or that project tasks.

⚙️ Features

  • Change language easily

  • Responsive Drag and Drop Task Board

  • Sortable , Searchable Tables

  • Table Filtres

  • Exportable Tables to EXCEL

  • Activities within the system are auditable

🖼️ UML diagrams

📒 Database schema

🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

Alternativly you can start immediatly by reading the fast useage guide useage then going to the demo site


use crediantials from the useage guide useage .


  • Composer
  • Php ^8.0
  • Laravel 9.1
  • Livewire ^2.0
  • Filamentphp ^2.0
  • Mysql


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.

Copy .env.example file to .env and edit database credentials there


composer install

then Run

php artisan key:generate

then Run

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Finally run

php artisan serve

Start using.

🎈 Usage

  1. Log in as super admin
user: sadmin@sadmin.com

password: password

  1. add users with user role to assign tasks to and users with admin role to create projects, tasks and manage them.

  1. Log as admin
user: admin@admin.com

password: password

  1. start adding projects, tasks , and assign users.

  1. Log in as user

      user: user@user.com
      password: password
  2. start intracting with tasks.

note how task board persists statsues even after refreshing the page

⛏️ Built Using

✍️ Authors

  • @zayedadel Zayed Adel Almekhlafi 18_3253
  • Murad Abdullah ali alnajjar 18_3169
  • Mohammed Abdusllam alshamery 18_3172
  • Ahmed shukri hezam alhakimi19-16-3079
  • Ahmed Abdallah Hashem 18-3152