I'm Nicola, a curious coder on a mission to make the internet's vast data more accessible and fun to work with. Here's a bit about me and what I do:
- 🛠️ Languages & Tools: Proficient in Python 🐍 and JavaScript/TypeScript 💻, I use these tools to dive into data accessibility, web scraping, and automation.
- 🚀 Main Projects: My pride and joy is PermessiBot 🤖, alongside a myriad of side projects that keep me up at night, coding away and learning new things.
- 📚 Learning: Every day is a school day. I'm constantly exploring new technologies, best practices, and ways to contribute meaningfully to the open-source community.
- 🤝 Community: I believe in the power of sharing knowledge and building things together. I'm always open to collaboration and love to see how my work can help others.
At the heart of my portfolio is PermessiBot, a project I hold dear and am looking forward to making open source soon.
Your support, whether through collaborations, feedback, or sponsorship, fuels my passion and allows me to dedicate more time to open-source projects and community engagement.
- Star and fork the repositories you find interesting 🌠
- Contribute to the projects with code, issues, or feature suggestions 🛠️
- Sponsor my work if you find my contributions valuable and want to see more 🙏
I'm always on the lookout for like-minded individuals and opportunities to collaborate on exciting projects. Feel free to reach out at me@nicola.tn.it.
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you find something interesting in my little corner of GitHub!