
My GitHub profile

Hello, World! 👋

I'm Nicola, a curious coder on a mission to make the internet's vast data more accessible and fun to work with. Here's a bit about me and what I do:

About Me 🧑‍💻

  • 🛠️ Languages & Tools: Proficient in Python 🐍 and JavaScript/TypeScript 💻, I use these tools to dive into data accessibility, web scraping, and automation.
  • 🚀 Main Projects: My pride and joy is PermessiBot 🤖, alongside a myriad of side projects that keep me up at night, coding away and learning new things.
  • 📚 Learning: Every day is a school day. I'm constantly exploring new technologies, best practices, and ways to contribute meaningfully to the open-source community.
  • 🤝 Community: I believe in the power of sharing knowledge and building things together. I'm always open to collaboration and love to see how my work can help others.

My Work 📁

At the heart of my portfolio is PermessiBot, a project I hold dear and am looking forward to making open source soon.

How You Can Help 🌟

Your support, whether through collaborations, feedback, or sponsorship, fuels my passion and allows me to dedicate more time to open-source projects and community engagement.

  • Star and fork the repositories you find interesting 🌠
  • Contribute to the projects with code, issues, or feature suggestions 🛠️
  • Sponsor my work if you find my contributions valuable and want to see more 🙏

Let's Connect 🤝

I'm always on the lookout for like-minded individuals and opportunities to collaborate on exciting projects. Feel free to reach out at me@nicola.tn.it.

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you find something interesting in my little corner of GitHub!

My Preferred Tools 🧰

python javascript typescript

django vuejs nuxtjs nodejs tailwind pandas

mongodb mysql postgresql

aws docker grafana

git bash linux postman hugo arduino
