
Primary LanguageHTML

This is a README File https://www.writethedocs.org/videos/na/2016/write-the-readable-readme-daniel-beck/

180 Days of Code


This is table of contents of what I have been working on for the past 3 months.


  • [] Get in the habit of writing legible README files for all of my projects.
  • [] Have develop a workflow where I have a balance between learning theory and actual practice.
  • [] To be confident in coding.

Before there was 100 days of code. There was another experiment of creating the habit of code by Jen Dewalt called 180 sites in 180 days. I've tried 100 days of code many times and have failed. And as Eistein says insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I've realized that my journey to becoming a better programmer is not about comparing myself to other people's journeys. It's about learning something new, exploring and figuring out what works for me and what does not.

Practice makes progress. The purpose of this experiment is to hold myself accountable and get over my fear of prefection. Throughout the next three months I will show up.

Table of Contents

Week 1

Day 1 + 2 - Base Apparel Landing Page

Day 3 Huddle Landing Page

Day 4 Refactoring Hangman Game

Day 5 Product Card

Initial Plan

Week 1 - Review HTML/CSS

Week 2 - Refactor Projects from Bootcamp

Week 3 - API

Week 5 - TDD

Week 6 - OOP

Week 7 - React