
Google map the vanilla Javascript way

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Neighborhood Map

This is a neighborhood map the displays the numerous museums in Chicago, Illinois. This project is a capstone for the Udacity Front End Developer(FEND) Nanodegree. The application is a combination of everything that I learn during React, third party API, accessibility and css responsive design principles.


Demo of Map app


File Structure

├── README.md           # You are here
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json        #dependencies 
├── public
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   ├── index.html
│   └── manifest.json   # For possible mobile web apps
└── src
    |__ App.js          # Main App component
    |__ Header.js       # Header component
    |__ SearchBar.js    # Searching component
    |__ SideBar.js      # List component
    ├── index.css                           # App root styling
    ├── index.js                            # App root
    ├── location_data.js                    # Venue data
    └── registerServiceWorker.js            # Default service worker


In order to install the necessary packages to run this app in the command line npm i

How to Run App

To run the app in the bash command line type npm start. The app should run in your default browser localhost:3000

Note: The service worker only runs in the production build. To view the app with service worker: npm run build serve -s build

Service worker should run in your default browser localhost:5000


I want to give a thank youtuber Elharony for his tutorial on rendering Google Maps in React

Jason Arnold's Article on the differences between Fetch and Axios

Stack Overflow