
Tracking a cursor across a webpage using only CSS

Primary LanguagePython

CSS-Only Cursor Tracking


The goal of this project is evaluate the efficacy of cursor tracking utilizing only CSS. The code in this repo is merely a PoC and is purely for experimental purposes.


Here I describe the method utilized here to accomplishing some degree of cursor tracking:

  1. Generate a CSS tracking file by first traversing over the DOM of a target html document, crafting selectors that uniquely select each tag on the page by chaining nth-child selectors

  2. Define a unique set of keyframes per tag, mapped over a duration and keyframe count (these can be adjusted). Most importantly, each keyframe makes a request using the url() function, passing the selector and current duration of time within the url

  3. Initially, set animation-play-state of the elements to paused but set to running for the pseudo-class hover selector

  4. On the backend, process each request by mapping selector -> cursor hover time as well as a list of timestamped events in chronological order.

  5. Using all this data, one is able to playback the motion of a cursor across the page with decent accuracy.


Install Packages: sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Or use a virtual environment:

virtualenv -p python3 venv

source venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

Place target html page in the html directory and name it index.html

python tracker.py html/index.html will produce a tracker.css file in static/css

FLASK_APP=app.py flask run

Go to to see the index.html; move you cursor around to send data to the flask server

After that, go to to see your actions played back to you.

Whenever you wish to clear you session, just run