
this is PowerBI project designed to provide comprehensive insights into the sales and revenue performance of a hypothetical mobile accessories company. Through dynamic visualizations and interactive filters, this dashboard offers a quick and detailed overview of key metrics, trends, and profitability analysis.


this is PowerBI project designed to provide comprehensive insights into the sales and revenue performance of a hypothetical mobile accessories company. Through dynamic visualizations and interactive filters, this dashboard offers a quick and detailed overview of key metrics, trends, and profitability analysis.

Key Features:

1-Sales and Revenue Overview: Gain a quick understanding of sales and revenue distribution across different geographical areas. Track revenue trends over time using intuitive line charts.

2-Filter by Year and Month: Utilize interactive filters to narrow down data representation by year and month, enabling in-depth analysis of sales and revenue trends.

3-Profit Analysis: Visualize and clarify profit metrics, including total profit margin, Profit Contribution % by Market, Profit % by Market, and Revenue Contribution % by Market. Understand profitability distribution across various market segments.

4-Customer Insights: Explore a detailed table that presents profit and revenue insights for each customer. This allows for a deeper understanding of individual customer contributions to the company's performance.

5-Performance Insights: Leverage performance insights to uncover opportunities for growth and optimization. Use data-driven insights to drive strategic decision-making and target areas for improvement.

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