Handling compression streams in barnard59 pipelines
Transforms a compressed zip stream into a new stream where each chunk is a stream of a file's contents
<> a p:Step;
code:implementedBy [ a code:EcmaScript;
code:link <node:barnard59-compression/zip.js#unzip>
Transforms a compressed zip stream into a stream of the first file found in the compresed input matching a pattern
<> a p:Step;
code:implementedBy [ a code:EcmaScript;
code:link <node:barnard59-compression/zip.js#unzipOne>
Use in combination with #unzip to process every file using the given sub pipeline. Optionally, provide a second argument to decide whether any given file should be skipped
<> a p:Step;
code:implementedBy [ a code:EcmaScript;
code:link <node:barnard59-compression/zip.js#transform>