
OpenTelemetry-enabled Fuseki Docker image

Primary LanguageDockerfile

OpenTelemetry-enabled Fuseki


This repository is deprecated in favor of https://github.com/zazuko/fuseki-geosparql.

This builds a Docker image that runs Fuseki with the OpenTelemetry Java agent setup. To test that image, this repository includes a docker-compose stack with:


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run docker-compose up from within the cloned repository

Sample federated query

Run this query on fuseki-persons:

PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/>

SELECT ?p ?givenName ?familyName ?additionalName (COUNT(?p) as ?relationships) WHERE {
  ?p a schema:Person ;
    schema:givenName ?givenName ;
    schema:familyName ?familyName .

    ?p schema:additionalName ?additionalName .

    SERVICE <http://fuseki-relations:3030/ds> {
      ?p schema:knows [] .
GROUP BY ?p ?givenName ?familyName ?additionalName

Check the logs in Grafana:

  • Navigate to the explore view
  • In the query builder at the top, under "Metric" select "Logs" instead of "Count"
  • Unroll a log entry with a trace (basically anything else than the startup logs)
  • Click on "Jaeger" to view the associated trace