Lobbywatch Linked Open Data

This project contains the source and tooling related to lod.lobbywatch.ch, the linked open data platform hosting the lobbywatch.ch data.

Repository Structure

  • Makefile

    make runs all targets: converting the MySQL db into triples, enriching the triples, running them through the pipeline, uploading to lod.lobbywatch.ch

  • database/

    Retrieving a SQL dump of the lobbywatch database and serving it locally.

  • lod.lobbywatch.ch/

    lod.lobbywatch.ch source code and deployment setup.

  • mapping/

    R2RML mappings used to convert the MySQL database content into triples. The R2RML mappings are generated using the RDF Mapping DSL.

  • pipeline/

    Pipeline used to slugify some IRIs.

  • ontop-scripts/

    Scripts used to install Ontop, to generate triples from MySQL to n-triples server, transform them, upload them to the hosted Stardog server used by lod.lobbywatch.ch and link them.


Pushing a new version triggers a CI build and deploys the version on success:

  1. cd lod.lobbywatch.ch
  2. npm version <major|minor|patch>
  3. git add .
  4. git commit -m your-message
  5. git tag -a vYourNpmVrsion
  6. git push --follow-tags