Validate RDF data purely in JavaScript. An implementation of the W3C SHACL specification on top of the RDFJS stack.
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[Question] How to use the DataFactory provided by N3
#143 opened by MMesch - 6
Rules on parent class are not being applied.
#142 opened by gruhnow - 3
- 3
Cyclic references lead to "too much recursion"
#136 opened by s-tittel - 9
SHACL SPARQL constraints support
#104 opened by MuhammadShafaatKhan13 - 0
- 1
Improve validation of sh:in
#109 opened by tpluscode - 6
long lists in results
#131 opened by giacomociti - 8
- 1
Unexpected sh:or SHACL violation
#98 opened by Sabachi - 1
phantom resullt details
#125 opened by giacomociti - 3
- 0
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Memory issue with nested results
#99 opened by MarinusVonhof - 3
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Provide a CLI
#90 opened by tpluscode - 1
- 1
- 0
Add resultMessage for class constraint
#92 opened by thomasdegroot18 - 1
- 0
- 0
Add warning result when maxErrors is reached
#89 opened by tpluscode - 0
maxErrors = 1 breaks sh:or constraint
#88 opened by tpluscode - 2
JS iterable error when using SHACL model
#73 opened by LaurensRietveld - 0
Superfluous validation error when target node doesn't exist in data graph
#66 opened by ivan-kovatchev - 0
Expose `value` in validationReport
#38 opened by GerwinBosch - 2
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Code Snippet in README
#74 opened by tobiasschweizer - 1
Export property path matching
#71 opened by pietercolpaert - 4
sh:hasValue does not work inside sh:or
#70 opened by wouterbeek - 5
- 4
`sh:closed` with `sh:alternativePath`
#64 opened by sroze - 0
- 1
Improve validation message of `sh:xone`
#63 opened by tpluscode - 1
Custom Factory implementation not fully supported
#52 opened by spetrac - 5
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New release
#51 opened by MPvHarmelen - 1
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Inheritance works only up to one level
#41 opened by BenediktHeinrichs - 4
Regular expressions with Unicode
#44 opened by kad-beekw - 3
Validationreport sourceShape is a blank node
#37 opened by GerwinBosch - 2
Customization of default failure messages
#40 opened by Gnomus042 - 2
Display sh:message in output
#39 opened by ktk