The MSC harvester obtains Open Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) data from the zbMATH Open OAI-PMH-API using the Sickle client. The data is written in a CSV file. See sample.csv for an example.
The meaning of the columns is the following:
de: Eight-digit internal zbMATH identifier (not to confuse with the public zbl identifier in the form Zbl 0910.34036)
msc: MSC of the article
keywors: keywords of the article
title: title of the article
refs: MSCs occurring in the references
By default, only columns are exported with all values present.
One can navigate to the corresponding article in the zbMATH open web interface by prefixing the string
For example for de=1209934
navigate to
In rare cases, there are de values below 1000000; if so, as many zeros have to be prefixed so that the final number in the URL has eight digits.
To retrieve the de from the zbMATH Open website, a little trick is required:
One can obtain the DE by clicking on the BibTeX button below the article.
A BibTeX entry with the key zbMATH01209934
will be downloaded for this example.
The DE number is the number after the word zbMATH, i.e., 1209934.