Jira2mantis import plugin
Imports jira issues to mantis bugs, current version works only with mysql jira backend
tested with mantisbt-1.2.15 and jira v5.1.1#772
It imports:
- Issues,
- Comments
- Issues links
- tags
- attachments
(I strongly suggest install only to clean mantis installs)
- install plugin
- configure jira database access and map mantis and jira projects (Keep same bug numbers always ON, option currently does nothing)
- configure priority map, resolution map, status map, relation map
- for attaches copy
to directory which accessible by mantis, only DATABASE and FTP attachment scheme will work, because if mantis uses DIRECTORY attachment scheme it will usemove_uploaded_file()
function, which can't be executed successful without really file upload (however i saw some php extesion which allow this).
At the end script should give "Done" without any errors or additional info.
script was done as voluntary helping for charity project http://meetcafe.org/
Jira® is trademark of Atlassian which has not affilated any way to this project.