

Backbone ToggleSwitch is the simple MVC widget you've been looking for...

You just need a toggle widget right? Sure, it wouldn't take too teribly long to implement this your self, but with Backbone ToggleWidget you can save your valuable time and in seconds have a beautiful Backbone based View and Model to support your sweet new web app!


To get ToggleSwitch up and running, make sure you have the requrements installed and attached to your document.

Include backbone.toggleswitch.css at the top of your document and backbone.toggleswitch.js below the dependencies.


  • Backbone.js
  • Underscore.js
  • jQuery

Basic Use

var widget = new ToggleSwitch();



var widget = new ToggleSwitch({theme: 'theme-yellow'});


  • theme-red
  • theme-green
  • theme-blue
  • theme-yellow


var widget = new ToggleSwitch({animated: true});

Specify a Model

var MyModel, widget;
MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        value: false
    mySpecialFunction() {
        alert("I'm better than the built in model!");
widget = new ToggleSwitch({model: new MyModel()});

Extend the Built-In Model

To extend the built in model, attach attributes to the first argument object.

var widget = new ToggleSwitch({
    attributes: { 
        url: '/mydata.json',
        parse: function(response) {
            response.value =;

            return response;

Set Model Defaults

You can set the defaults for the switch model (value and enable).

var widget = new ToggleSwitch({
    defaults: { 
        value: false,
        enable: false


Backbone ToggleSwitch strives to be fully accessible. You can add labels to toggle switches which will be used by screen readers to help identify the purpose of a toggle switch.

var widget = new ToggleSwitch({
    defaults: { 
        label: "make lunch"



To change the value of the switch programatically, use the toggle method.

<button class='btn'>Toggle</button>
$('.btn').click(function() {

Get Value

You can of course get the current value of the switch by accessing the value attribute of the switch model ( true | false ).

$('.btn').click(function() {
    var value = widget.model.get('value');

Detect Change

If you need to subscribe to 'change' events for the switch, add an event listener to the widget model.

widget.model.on('change', function() { 
    alert("changed to: " + this.get('value')); 

Global Configuration

You can set global configuration options such as theme to using ToggleSwitch.config. Each of these options can be set individually as seen up above with the theme and animations.

    theme: 'theme-green', // Theme name. Defaults to theme-green.
    animated: false,      // Uses CSS3 animations on toggle. Defaults to false.
    onValue: 'On',        // Text for on value. Defaults to on.
    offValue: 'Off'       // Text for off value. Defaults to off.

Fun fact whenever you call the configure method, all switches will update automagically!


To disable or enable the switch, use the enable method, passing in either true or false. You can also use the disable method to disable a switch.


For full documentation visit