
Put a train arrivals board in your browser!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Put a train arrivals board in your browser!

NumberFlipper provides a flexible, vanilla JavaScript (yep, no jQuery needed), animated number display widget. As you change the value of your NumberFlipper instance, the rolodex like number cards will flip to the new value.

You can even define how many digits you would like each instance to display.

For a demo check out http://zigzackattack.github.com/NumberFlipper


bower install --save number-flipper


Include the minified script and stylesheet in your document

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/NumberFlipper/dist/number-flipper.css" />
<script src="bower_components/NumberFlipper/dist/number-flipper.min.js"></script>

Instantiate a new NumberFlipper:

var myFlipper = new NumberFlipper({
	el: document.querySelector("#myflipper"), // Selector to render the NumberFlipper in
	digits: 2,                                // Number of digits number flipper should contain
  ranges: [                                 // Range for each digit
    NumberFlipper.Flipper.FlipRange(6, 0),
    NumberFlipper.Flipper.FlipRange(6, 0)

Flip to a number



FlipRanges are used to generate a numeric array of numbers to flip through. The FlipRange function can create arrays with ascending and descending values.

NumberFlipper.Flipper.FlipRange(/** start number */ 0, /** end number */ 5);

would generate [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

NumberFlipper.Flipper.FlipRange(/** start number */ 5, /** end number */ 0);

would generate [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]


NumberFlipper works in all modern browsers that support CSS3 transforms (IE 9+). If you need more support add a transform polyfill to your page: http://www.useragentman.com/blog/2010/03/09/cross-browser-css-transforms-even-in-ie/

There is currently a bug in Chrome that prevents the perspective change from overflowing outside of the NumberFlipper element. Any pull requests that propose a workaround to this bug are welcome!

Coming Soon

  • Set number range to use in single digit displays. For example, 0-6 for second digit of minutes to create a clock!
  • Confirmed cross browser support
  • More unit tests