
A python script that runs an nmap scan within a network subnet and writes the results to log file in a json format.

Primary LanguageShell

NMAP Scanner for Wazuh

A python script that runs an nmap scan within a network subnet and writes the results to log file in a json format.


Scheduled usage

You can use the setup script:

  • Run setup.sh
  • Use the confirmation flag -y if you want to skip replying or want to use it as a part of automation.
  • Fill in config.json with the subnet(s) or IP ranges
  • Check systemd timers and update if needed

Or, you can set it up manually:

  • Run pip install python-nmap==0.7.1
  • Copy nmap_scan.py and config.json to a known location.
  • Create systemd timers or cron jobs

Single use (for test and debugging)

  • Fill in config.json with the subnet(s) or IP ranges
  • Run pip install python-nmap==0.7.1
  • Run python3 nmap_scan.py


  • run sudo systemctl start nmap_scan.service if you used the default method.


The setup.sh file has a -u flag to uninstall the service. Just run:

./setup.sh -u

There is a confirmation step here as well bt you can bypass it using the confirmation flag -y.

./setup.sh -u -y

The uninstall comand cleans up the items below. If you want to cleanup you can check these paths: LOGROTATE CONFIG PATH: "/etc/logrotate.d/nmap_scan" SCANNER PATH: "/opt/nmap_scan/nmap_scan.py" CONFIG PATH: "/usr/local/etc/nmap_scan/config.json" SERVICE FILE: "/etc/systemd/system/nmap_scan.service" TIMER FILE: "/etc/systemd/system/nmap_scan.timer" LOG PATH: "/var/log/nmap_scan.log"

Or you can run a search like find / -name "nmap_scan*" and clean the remnants yourself.


The configuration allows defining targets as nmap accepts such as "" or "". It alo allow labeling the source and destination, so that you can write custom rules.

  "source_label": "source",
  "destination_label": "destination",
  "subnets": [
  "args": "-sV -T4 -Pn -p- -sT -sU",
  "verbose": true

Wazuh rule

<group name="nmap,network_scan">
     <rule id="110030" level="3">
         <field name="nmap.type">nmap_scan</field>
         <description>NMAP scan messages grouped</description>

     <rule id="110031" level="3">
         <field name="nmap.level">debug</field>
         <description>NMAP scan debug messages</description>

     <rule id="110032" level="5">
         <field name="nmap.level">info</field>
         <description>NMAP scan results</description>


Based on the work of juaromu.