
A simple implementation of kubernetes kind that deploys a small go API.

Primary LanguageGo

To build the Docker image:

docker build --tag themessaround/simplego:v1.0 .

Start the Kind Cluster:

kind create cluster --config k8s/kind-config.yaml  --name simplego-cluster

Load the built image: (this needs done after every build)

kind load docker-image themessaround/simplego:v1.0 --name simplego-cluster 

Apply Kubernetes config:

kubectl apply -k k8s 

Verify pods are running:

kubectl get pods --namespace=simplego 

Check logs:

kubectl logs -l app=simplego --all-containers -f --namespace=simplego

At this point should be able to hit the simplego service:

curl localhost/hello

Making updates

Rebuild the image:

docker build --tag themessaround/simplego:v1.0 .

Reload the image:

kind load docker-image themessaround/simplego:v1.0 --name simplego-cluster 

Rollout changes:

kubectl rollout restart deployment simplego-pod --namespace=simplego