
Create an Express application that incorporates a third party API, OMDB. [express, api]

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Express with APIs - OMDB

We'll be creating an app that connects to OMDB, a public movie API. You will need a key. Go to the site to register for a free one. Keep API keys out of public repos!

Getting Started

  • Fork and clone this repository, which has a starter app provided for you.
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Read the API documentation.

Part 1: Search

User Stories

  1. As a user, I want to go to a home page to search a database full of movies.
  2. As a user, I want to see movie results based on my search query.
  3. As a user, I want to pick a movie result and see detailed information about the movie.


  1. On your home page, create a form. The form will ask for the user to input a movie title.
  • This form should have a GET method, with an action of /results
  • Example result of submitting the form: sends browser to /results?q=star+wars
  • HINT: What should you name your input field based on the query string above?
  1. Write your GET route for /results.
  • Use req.query to access query string parameters.
  • Use the axios module to make a request to the OMDB API with this data. YOU WILL NEED TO INSTALL AND REQUIRE IT.
  • Send the data back to the browser. Use res.render and use the provided results.ejs template.
  1. In the results from the API, we notice that in every movie entry there is a IMDBid. In the rendered HTML for /results, have each movie link to a route like /movies/tt234323 (where tt234323 is the IMDBid for that movie).
  • Make a new route on your backend: GET /movies/:movie_id
  • Make an API call to retrieve movie details related to that movie_id
  • Render them on the provided detail.ejs page.


  • Remember the axios syntax for a GET request:

  • axios.get('some url goes here')
      .then(function (response) {
  • The movie api returns an array of movies inside the Search Key.

  • Example Search URL: http://www.omdbapi.com/?s=matrix

  • Example Movie Detail URL: http://www.omdbapi.com/?i=tt0133093

  • You will need to modify the above URLs to include an entry in the query string for your API Key. The exact thing to add is apikey=XXXXXXXXX replacing the Xs with your key. How do we separate multiple key-values pairs in a query string?

  • Keep your API key as an environment variable inside a .env file and make sure you DO NOT EVER check this file into git. How do we ensure it stays out?

  • Make sure you call res.render inside the callback function of the API call.

Bonuses (if you get done before break)

  • Add stars images to reflect the imdb ratings
  • Figure out what parameters are need to access the Rotten Tomato information, and display that information to the page

Part 2: Saving Faves

User Stories

  1. As a user, I want to save movies from my search results to a list of my faves.
  2. As a user, I want to perform this action from the movie detail page.

Steps to Achieve

  1. Install the new node modules needed for database access.
  2. Initialize sequelize for this project.
  3. Update the config file and create a database named omdb.
  4. Create a fave model with two fields- title:string and imdbid:string
  5. Run migrations.
  6. Require your model into the location of your routes.
  7. Modify your detail.ejs to include a form for adding this movie as a fave:
  • This form should have a POST method, with an action of /faves
  • It should contain two hidden fields containing the title and IMDB ID of this movie. These fields should be named the same as your model attribute names.
  1. Write your POST route for /faves:
  • Use req.body to access body data from the form.
  • Use the fave model to save this data to your database. YOU WILL NEED TO REQUIRE THE MODEL TO USE IT.
  • In the callback of your create, use res.redirect to redirect to the GET route for your faves.
  1. Write your GET route for /faves:
  • Use the fave model to get all faves from your database.
  • In the callback, use res.render to render all your faves to a page named faves.ejs (not provided).


  1. All content is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact legal@ga.co.