This program tweets out edits to bills going through the U.S. Congress. Here are some instructions to get you started.
To use this Twitter bot:
Set up a Python IDE.
In command line: git clone
Log in and make a Twitter app called "legislation-edits" or something similar at Set the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access token, and Access token secret. Add the credentials to Give a Twitter account permission for your app to read+write to it.
Run to update the list of Wikipedia articles to monitor, based on editing activty.
Edit a bill article on Wikipedia and see the bot work. Run periodically to tweet the most recent edits.
- currently checks for edits in the last ten minutes (600 seconds). To change this interval, edit the variable 'frequency' in to something other than 600.0.
Run Python file periodically to update the list of Wikipedia articles to check, from this page: ( and this page: ( For future sessions of Congress, change the variable billPage to '' and so forth.
A very small number of bills on the 113th Congress's Wikipedia page fall through the cracks. 2/347 defied my formula. If the article doesn't link to the first word in a table cell, for example, it won't register. Also, if it lacks any identifying words like "Act", "Resolution", "To_", "Amendments", "Authorization", "Public_Law" or adverbs. If my automatic trawling for articles fails, add the article suffix to manualWhitelist114.txt so that can add it to the regular whitelist.
- (in the 113 folder) works differently, getting links from the the category "Category:United_States_proposed_federal_legislation". Feel free to try the code with other Wikipedia categories!
I suck at web development. If somebody can explain the nuances of Heroku Scheduler to me, I could find a way to get this to work in the cloud.
Update: As of 8/12/2014, this project exists at Give it a follow!