
Pytorch implementation of :https://github.com/rainarch/DSNER

Primary LanguagePython


Pytorch implementation of :https://github.com/rainarch/DSNER

python 3.6


First: python script/preprocess-EC

main module: python dsner.py

args parameters should be define based on the paper

Result: Dev and Test respectively

Model Setup epoch P R F1 P R F1
LSTM+CRF H 562 66.30 % 64.21 % 65.24 % 63.64 % 62.53 % 63.08 %
LSTM+CRF H+A 769 67.80 % 58.53 % 62.82 % 63.65 % 53.59 % 58.19 %
LSTm+CRF+SL H+A 538 68.21 % 61.89 % 64.90 % 66.90 % 61.66 % 64.17 %
LSTm+CRF+PA H+A 652 62.21 % 70.11 % 65.93 % 61.12 % 67.63 % 64.21 %
LSTm+CRF+PA+SL H+A 370 69.12 % 71.16 % 70.12 % 63.46 % 63.94 % 63.70 %

Another paper which is used RL as a post-Processing for denoising with a different reward formula:

Reinforcement-based denoising of distantly supervised NER with partial annotation : https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D19-6125/