- By: Zack Beucler
- Start Client:
npm run dev -- --host --port 4200
- Start Server:
npx tsc -p ./tsconfig.json && node dist/app.js
- normal tabs
- overlay tabs
- mobile support (essentially flexbox)
- override props
- collapse-able tables
- collapse-able sections
- ability to pause realtime updates
- modals / popups
- separate app to create overlay
- drag-n-drop
- manually setting it up via css might just be the easiest
- should we be using HTML5 canvas?
- ability for the frontend to display connection status of zmq sockets
- macros within ui.json file
- figure out if json/jsonc or yaml is more prefered. depends what the team wants
- backwards compatablilty with SimpleUI is ideal but I guess not needed
- needs some type of translation layer
- enforced codestyle
- consistancy is important
- airBnB style/code guide
- linting (tslint?)
- formatting (prettier?)
- some type of static analysis (prevent deadcode)
- devcontainer
- ability to run the paramsApp in dev mode
- needs DB container to devcontainer and maybe apache2 container
- extensive testing
- unit + integration
- realtime data should be via websocket
- props should be GET
- css request for overlay should be GET
- commands should be POST
- 1 REQ ZMQ socket per client