
Collection of libraries supplementing Go's sync package

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


GoDoc License

A library of concurrent data structures and synchronization mechanisms for Go (golang).

It contains code intended to supplement the sync package from the Go standard library.

NOTE: only tested with Go 1.5+.


Package contains interface for a generic Poll of resources.


Striped allows the programmer to select a number of locks, which are distributed between keys based on their hash code. This allows the programmer to dynamically select a tradeoff between concurrency and memory consumption, while retaining the key invariant that if key1 == key2, then striped.Get(key1) == striped.Get(key2).

Striped contains implementation for Mutex, and RWMutex.

The values used to retreive a lock cannot be nil.

The number should be a factor of 256 for even striped distribution.


  1. Install Go 1.5 or higher.
  2. Run go get github.com/zbiljic/syncz/...


When new code is merged to master, you can use

go get -u github.com/zbiljic/syncz/...

To retrieve the latest version of syncz.


To run all the unit tests use these commands:

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/zbiljic/syncz
go get -t -u ./...
go test ./...

Once you've done this once, you can simply use this command to run all unit tests:

go test ./...

See the reference for more info.

Copyright © 2017 Nemanja Zbiljić