
simple pomodoro timer (cli)

Primary LanguageShellDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


A simple implementation of pomodoro timer


  • notify in your screen with notify-send
  • make a noise using command speaker-test from alsa when is time to change mode (work, break, end)
  • You can create a custom notifyer scrit, you just need to receive the mode passed as argument
  • log the mode change in a file
  • extensible notifier, just create a script who receive the mode as arg and pass it by -n flag


Get the script

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zbioe/tomato/master/tomato.sh

Move it to some folder in your $PATH

sudo mv tomato.sh /usr/local/bin/tomato


For see the usage you can just use tomato -h

  ./tomato.sh [OPTION]...

  -h, --help                Show this message
  -w, --work <duration>     Duration of a work session (Default 25m)
  -b, --break <duration>    Duration of a short break (Default 5m)
  -c, --cycles <number>     Number of cycles (Default 4)
  -f, --file <filename>     File used for logging the mode changes (Default tempfile)
  -n, --notifier <command>  Script to use as notifier (Default default_notifier)

  ./tomato.sh -w 2m -b 30s -c 6
  ./tomato.sh -n "./example_notifier.sh"
  ./tomato.sh -w 5s -b 3s -c 3 -f custom.log

  notify <mode>  Called with a mode as arg

  work   Time to work in your task
  break  Time to take a break and relax
  end    You reached the end of the session