is inspired by synology-api.
This repo is aimed at providing Synology drive api wrapper and related helper functions. It helps you manage your files/folders/labels in synology drive. By means of Synology Office, you can edit spreadsheet on Drive and use this api wrapper read spreadsheet. It supports Python 3.7+.
pip install synology-drive-api
You can access drive by IP, drive domain or nas domain + drive path.
Synology Drive allows same user with multiple login session. if you need multiple login session and label functions, disable label cache.
from import SynologyDrive
# default http port is 5000, https is 5001.
with SynologyDrive(NAS_USER, NAS_PASS, NAS_IP) as synd:
synd.list_folder('/mydrive') # write your code here
# Use specified port
with SynologyDrive(NAS_USER, NAS_PASS, NAS_IP, NAS_PORT) as synd:
synd.get_file_or_folder_info(path_or_path_id) # write your code here
# use http instead of https. https: default is True.
with SynologyDrive(NAS_USER, NAS_PASS, NAS_IP, https=False) as synd:
synd.create_folder('test', 'team-folder/folder2/') # write your code here
# Enable 2fa.
with SynologyDrive(NAS_USER, NAS_PASS, otp_code='XXXXXX') as synd:
synd.list_folder('/mydrive') # write your code here
# use domain name or name + path access drive
# Enabled in Application Portal | Application | Drive | General | Enable customized alias
drive_path_demo = 'your_nas_domain/drive'
# Enabled in Application Portal | Application | Drive | General | Enable customized domain
drive_path_demo2 = 'your_drive_domain'
with SynologyDrive(NAS_USER, NAS_PASS, drive_path_demo) as synd:
synd.upload_file(file, dest_folder_path=dest_folder_path) # write your code here
# disable label cache
with SynologyDrive(NAS_USER, NAS_PASS, drive_path_demo, enable_label_cache=False) as synd:
synd.list_folder('/mydrive') # write your code here
If you use dsm 7, default dsm_version is '6'.
from import SynologyDrive
# default http port is 5000, https is 5001.
with SynologyDrive(NAS_USER, NAS_PASS, NAS_IP, dsm_version='7') as synd:
synd.download_file('/mydrive/test.osheet') # write your code here
Synology drive thinks labels need to belong to single user. If you want share labels between users, you should have access to these user accounts. Another solution is creating a tool user.
Synology drive search function provide label union search rather than intersection search. If you need label intersection search, combine them into one label.
# get single label info
# get all labels info
Label name is unique in drive.
# create a label, color name: gray/red/orange/yellow/green/blue/purple.
# default color is gray, default position is end of labels. 0 is first position.
ret = synd.create_label('your_label_name', color='orange', pos=0)
# delete label by name/id.
ret = synd.delete_label('your_label_name')
ret = synd.delete_label(label_id=419)
# acition:add, delete
synd.manage_path_label(action, path, label)
path examples:
1. '/team-folders/test_drive/SCU285/test.xls', '/mydrive/test_sheet_file.osheet'
2. '505415003021516807'
3. ['505415003021516807', '505415003021516817']
4. ["id:505415003021516807", "id:525657984139799470", "id:525657984810888112"]
5. ['/team-folders/test_drive/SCU285/test.xls', '/team-folders/test_drive/SCU283/test2.xls']
label examples:
1. 'label_name'
2. ['label_name_1', 'lable_name_2']
3. [{"action": "add", "label_id": "15"}, {"action": "add", "label_id": "16"}]
Filter files or folders by single label. If you want to use label union search, use search functions (todo).
Team folder start with
, Private folder start with/mydrive/
Teamfolder is virtual parent folder of shared folders in Synology drive. When you login in Drive, you can see your authorized shared folder.
# {sub_folder_name: folder_id, ...}
List Folder or files info of a folder
Get folder or file info such as created time.
# file_path or file_id "552146100935505098"
# create folder in your private folder
# create folder in dest folder
synd.create_folder('test', 'team-folder/folder2/')
You don't need create folder subfolder before uploading your file.
# prepare your file
file = io.BytesIO(mail_attachment['file'])
# add a file name to file = strip_file_name(mail_attachment['name'])
ret_upload = synd.upload_file(file, dest_folder_path=dest_folder_path)
# upload to your private folder
ret_upload = synd.upload_file(file)
# custom conflict_action: 'version' to rewrite, 'autorename' to rename. Default: 'version'
ret_upload = synd.upload_file(file, dest_folder_path=dest_folder_path, conflict_action='version')
You can upload xlsx or docx as synology office file.
[**Deprecation hint**] This API will be deprecated in the future. It's recommended to call upload_file
and convert_to_online_office
by yourself.
# custom upload_conflict_action for upload: 'version' to rewrite, 'autorename' to rename. Default: 'version'
# custom convert_conflict_action for convert: 'version' to rewrite, 'autorename' to rename. Default: 'autorename'
with open('test.xlsx', 'rb') as file:
nas_client.upload_as_synology_office_file(file, '/mydrive/')
Transform docx/xlsx/pptx to Synology online office file.
# If delete_original_file is True, origin docx/xlsx/pptx will be deleted after transformed. Default: True
# custom conflict_action: 'version' to rewrite, 'autorename' to rename. Default: 'autorename'
ret_convert = synd.convert_to_online_office(dest_file_path,
New: Support osheet and odoc extensions.
file_name = 'test.osheet'
bio = synd.download_file(f'/mydrive/{file_name}')
with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
import pandas as pd
# download osheet as xlsx and read into pandas dataframe.
bio = synd.download_synology_office_file('/mydrive/test.osheet') # or
bio = synd.download_file('/mydrive/test.osheet')
pd.read_excel(bio, sheet_name=None)
# dowloand odoc as docx
bio = synd.download_synology_office_file('/mydrive/test.odoc')
with open('test.docx', 'wb') as f:
Delete file or folder is an async task.
# Rename file '/mydrive/H3_AP201812091265503218_1.pdf' to '/mydrive/new.pdf'
synd.rename_path('new.pdf', '/mydrive/H3_AP201812091265503218_1.pdf')
# Rename folder '/mydrive/test_folder' to '/mydrive/abc_folder'
synd.rename_path('abc_folder', '/mydrive/test_folder')
Get unique file url.