
Contains all of the code we used for our 15.774 final project

Primary LanguagePython

15.774 MIT Free Food Final Project Code

This repository contains all of the code Project X used to run our MIT free food project. In particular we have provided both the data we used for the project as well as the scripts utilized to run the experiments.


In the project_data folder we provide the final parsed emails, the buildings we utilized for the graph simulations, the spatio-temporal distribution of free food across the MIT campus for the selected buildings, and the time it takes to travel from one building to another according to Google Maps. Anyone who is interested in verifying or extending our work can feel free to use this data.


We also provide all of the scripts we used to run the experiments. To parse email data, you will need to use the parse_all_data.py. Specifically you will have to provide a directory containing all of the email files you want to parse. We assume that these files will either be .mbox or .txt files since those were the ones we used for running our experiments.

Once you have the free food, to run the simulation you can use the script run_simulation.py. This scripts assumes that you pass a working directory which contains the time matrix to go from building to building, the clean emails which were parsed in parse_all_data.py, the latitude-longitude coordinates for the buildings in the simulation, and the spatio-temporal distribution of free food. In the script we hard-coded for our specific file names, but the code can be easily generalized to work regardless of file name. As a warning this simulation might take a while. Specifically, for simulating 6 months at MIT, it took about two hours to run.