
Basic template for a new Bootstap project

Primary LanguageCSS

Basic Bootstrap 4 Template

This is the basic starter project for Bootstrap 4. It includes a Sass compiler and a starter HTML file for you.


To use this template, your computer needs:

This template can be installed with the Bootstrap CLI, or downloaded and set up manually.

Using the CLI

Install the Bootstrap CLI with this command:

npm install bootstrap-cli --global

Use this command to set up a blank Bootstrap 4 project with this template:

bootstrap new --template basic

The CLI will prompt you to give your project a name. The template will be downloaded into a folder with this name.

Manual Setup

To manually set up the template, first download it with Git:

git clone https://github.com/bassjobsen/bootstrap-basic-template projectname

Then open the folder in your command line, and install the needed dependencies:

cd projectname
npm install

Finally, run npm start to run the Sass compiler. It will re-run every time you save a Sass file.