
A programming exercise



Create a web-based application that allows a user to play rock-paper-scissors.

Estimated Time

2-3 hours


  • The application should allow a user to choose rock, paper, or scissors

  • The application should make a request to the api documented here to retrieve the server’s throw.  Make sure to consider the non happy path cases.


  • If the api given above doesn’t work or you’ve run out of time, an alternative is to generate a random throw locally

  • The application should respond with a page indicating whether the user won, lost or tied based on the server's throw


  • Rock beats scissors
  • Scissors beats paper
  • Paper beats rock
  • Identical throws tie (rock == rock, etc.)
  • Extra Credit : What if we threw in Hammer as a choice?  How would you represent more than 3 choices?


Use any technology that you think best show cases your work.  For example, if you are interviewing for a web application developer position you might use pure javascript, jQuery, React.js, etc.  For a server position you might use Ruby on Rails, Node, Lambdas, Java (if you’re crazy), etc.

User Interface

NOTE : This step is Extra Credit for Server developers.

Implement the user interface as shown in this mockup :


The icon assets can be downloaded from the adobe site.


Link to a github repo with a readme explaining how to install and play the game.  The repo should include a master branch and a feature branch with a PR.