
APIs of an ecommerce site built with ASP.NET Web API, Entity Framework and Microsoft SQL Server.

Primary LanguageC#

Project Title: Paradise Mart

APIs of an ecommerce site built with ASP.NET Web API (Framework), Entity Framework (ORM) and Microsoft SQL Server (Database).

This project is made by following the Three-tier architecture. Moreover, the SOLID Principles are followed here. APIs are made by follwing the REST API rules (proper http verbs and status codes).

3 Layers:

  1. Application Layer -> AppLayer
  2. Business Login Layer -> BLL
  3. Data Access Layer -> DAL


  • Basic CRUD operations
  • Data opeations are done using DTO (Data Transfer Object)
  • Password Hashing for users (using SHA256 algorithm)
  • Image upload, retrieve, update and delete
  • Mail Service for users
  • OTP Service for users (Forgot Password)
  • JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication and Authorization

Packages used in this project


JWT Authentication and Authorization