Pulumi Training Sessions

Welcome to the Pulumi Training Sessions Repository! This repository is designed to help you learn and practice your Pulumi skills with hands-on exercises and their corresponding solutions. Each training session is organized into two branches: an exercise branch and a solution branch.

Branch Structure

The branches follow a naming convention to help you easily identify the content:

  • Exercise Branches: Each exercise branch contains the starting code and instructions for the exercises. Each branch will follow a structure like the following azure-cs/session-2-exercise where it is prefixed with the cloud provider and language.
  • Solution Branches: These branches include the completed code and detailed explanations of the solutions. An example would be azure-cs/session-2-solution

Navigating the Repository

To switch between the exercise and solution branches, you can use the following git commands:

# To switch to an exercise branch
git checkout azure-cs/session-2-exercise

# To switch to a solution branch
git checkout azure-cs/session-2-solution

Additional Resources

Pulumi Docs