
CKAN extension for ZBW Journal Data Archive

Primary LanguageCSS


CKAN extension for ZBW Journaldata Archive. Provides modifications of route and link naming (organizations => journals) as well as some theming and layout modifications. Also implements a workflow for journals.

This package has been developed for the EDaWaX project at the ZBW (German National Library of Economics).


tested with CKAN 2.9 and Python3

Note: for several reasons the workflow implementation does not work with the original CKAN. Minor modifications are necessary to make it work. If you're interested in that you must use the fork at https://github.com/hbunke/ckan/tree/edawax-v2.4.1/ckan


Clone this repository into your CKAN src folder and install it the usual way pip install -e path/to/repo or python setup.py inside your virtualenv.

Main Features

  • Naming adapted to Journal purposes: Organizations ==> Journals, 'Members' ==> Authors

  • Workflow for Journals

    • Journaleditor adds Author
    • Author get's email with URL
    • Author uploads dataset, Dataset is private
    • Author sets clicks 'Send to Journal', Editor get's email, Dataset state is 'review'
    • Journaleditor adds some metadata and publishes Dataset.
    • Journaleditor can assign Reviewers
  • Reviewers have access to private datasets they are assigned to, author information is suppressed

  • Modify how tracking is handled to track only datasets and resource downloads, as well as trying to filter out bots


This extension is open and licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3.0. Its full text may be found at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html


Please use GitHub issues for filing any bug or problem. If you have further questions please contact h.bunke@zbw.eu.