
Write browser tests without dom specifics

Primary LanguagePython

Uses pytorch-geometric to learn on a graph with all possible actions against the DOM. User provides a set of instructions without knowledge of the DOM. The agent matches instructions to projected actions and executes.


Example login with arsenic:

from fuzzdom.action_chains import FuzzyActionChains

await driver.get("http://localhost/login")
actions = FuzzyActionChains(
    driver, "Enter username and password and login"
actions.input_field("username", "BillyJane")
actions.input_field("password", "pas$word")
await actions.async_perform()


  • Graph network representation to reduce action space to a single discrete selection
  • Does not implement/imports RL Agent
  • OpenAI gym compatible environment and wrappers (adds graph action space support)
  • asyncio interface with arsenic
  • Prior actions are represented as part of the graph state

TODO: GAIL Dataset


Getting Started:

docker-compose build

Run Unit tests:

docker-compose run app pytest /code/fuzzdom


Train DOM Autoencoder:

docker-compose run app python -m fuzzdom.datasets
docker-compose run app python -m fuzzdom.train.autoencoder

Train agent:

docker-compose run app python -m fuzzdom.train.graph --num-processes=16 --num-steps=30 --log-interval=1 --algo=ppo --env-name=levels


Reinforcement Learning on Web Interfaces using Workflow https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.08802


Software Used