
Primary LanguageJavaScript


COL or Cognitive Off-Loader allows users to create calendar events with a date, title, and details for the scheduled event.

1. Working Prototype

You can access a working prototype of the React app here: https://col.zcason.vercel.app/ and Node app here: https://dry-headland-26786.herokuapp.com/api

2. User Story

Cover Page
  • As a visitor
  • I want to understand what this app entails to make a decision if I want to use it
Login Page
  • As a returning register user
  • I want to enter my email and password to use this app, so I can have access to my account.
Sign Up/Registration Page
  • As a visitor
  • I want to register to use this app so I can create a personal account.
My Home Page
  • As a logged-in user,
  • I can see the current month on the calendar component and the events I have already bookmarked for that month listed below. If I click a specific day the on calendar component the list of events change to show events bookmarked only for that specific day.
My Profile Page
  • As a logged-in user,
  • I can see my account information (name and email), and if I want to delete my account I can hit the delete button to do so.
Create Event Page
  • As a logged-in user,
  • I can create events to be scheduled on the day I choose, with a title, and a brief description or note for the event.

3. Screenshots

Cover Page
Cover Page
Login Page
Login Page
Sign Up/Registration Page
Sign Up/Registration Page
Home Page
Home Page
Proflie Page
Profile Page
Event Page
Event Page

4. API Documentation

API Documentation details:

  • GET All Events by Month

    • https://dry-headland-26786.herokuapp.com/api/home/:beginningOfMonth:endOfMonth
  • GET Profile

    • https://dry-headland-26786.herokuapp.com/api/profile
  • POST Event

    • https://dry-headland-26786.herokuapp.com/api/create-event
      • JSON body
      • { "Title": "Lunch with Client", "event_desc": "Bring Pitch Material ", "event_date": 2013-03-01T00:00:00+01:00, }
  • POST User

    • https://dry-headland-26786.herokuapp.com/api/create-account
      • JSON body
      • { "full_name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe3@gmail.com", "password": "Password123!" }
  • DELETE Event

    • https://dry-headland-26786.herokuapp.com/api/home/:event_id
  • DELETE Profile

    • https://dry-headland-26786.herokuapp.com/api/profile/:user_id

5. Technology

  • Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, React
  • Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, Mocha, Chai, PostgreSQL
  • Development Environment: Vercel, Heroku

6. How to run it

Use command line to navigate into the project folder and run the following in terminal

Local React scripts
  • To install the react project ===> npm install
  • To run react (on port 3000) ===> npm start
  • To run tests ===> npm run test
Local Node scripts
  • To install the node project ===> npm install
  • To migrate the database ===> npm run migrate
  • To run Node server (on port 8000) ===> npm run dev
  • To run tests ===> npm run test