Restaurant Review

'Restaurant Review' allows users to add restaurants to a restaurant board and also add reviews to each restaurant.

1. Working Prototype

You can access a working prototype of the React app here: and Node app here:

2. User Story

Cover Page
  • As a visitor,
  • I want to understand what this app entails to make a decision if I want to use it.
My Home Page
  • As a user,
  • I can see the all of the restaurants posted on the restaurant board. If I click on the restaurant's row, I will be taken to the restaurant's detail page. If I click on the update button, I will be taken to a page where I can update the selected restaurant's info. If I click on the delete button, the selected restaurant will be removed from the restaurant board.
Detail Page
  • As a user,
  • I can see all of the reviews for the selected restaurant. I am also able to create my own review for the restaurant.
Update Page
  • As a user,
  • I can update the restaurant's information like name, location, or price range with a form that contains the restaurant's pre-updated values.

3. Screenshots

Cover Page
Cover Page
Restaurants Page
Restaurants Page
Details Page
Details Page
Update Page
Update Page

4. API Documentation

API Documentation details:

  • GET All Restaurant by Month

  • GET Specific Restaurant

  • POST Restaurant

      • JSON body
      • { "name": "Shack Shake", "location": "Austin", "price_range": 3, }
  • POST Review

      • JSON body
      • { "name": "Zuri", "content": "Incredible Service", "rating": 5, "restaurant_id": 1 }
  • PUT Restaurant

    • JSON body
      • { "name": "Shack Shake", "location": "Atlanta", "price_range": 2, }
  • DELETE Restaurant


5. Technology

  • Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, React
  • Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, Mocha, Chai, PostgreSQL
  • Development Environment: Vercel, Heroku

6. How to run it

Use command line to navigate into the project folder and run the following in terminal

Local React scripts
  • To install the react project ===> npm install
  • To run react (on port 3000) ===> npm start
  • To run tests ===> npm run test
Local Node scripts
  • To install the node project ===> npm install
  • To migrate the database ===> npm run migrate
  • To run Node server (on port 8000) ===> npm run dev
  • To run tests ===> npm run test

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