
Source code for paper: An Efficient Transfer Learning Framework for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning

Primary LanguagePython


Source code for paper: An Efficient Transfer Learning Framework for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning

  • [MAPTF code](#MAPTF code)
  • Installation
  • [Run an experiment](#Run an experiment)
  • Configuration
    • [Operating parameters](#Operating parameters)
    • [Core parameters](#Core parameters)
    • [Some experiences setting in paper](#Some experiences setting in paper)
  • [In BibTeX format](#In BibTeX format)

MAPTF code

    • alg (multiagent polices)
      • maddpg
      • muti_ptf_ppo
      • sharing_multi_ppo
      • option
    • config (Configuration parameters of each polices)
      • maddpg_conf (including maddpg and maddpg_sr)
      • ppo_config (including ppo sro shppo and shsro)
      • particle_conf (Configuration of particle game )
      • pacman_conf (Configuration of pacman game)
    • run (execute the tasks)
      • run_maddpg_sr (including maddpg and maddpg_sr)
      • run_multi_ptf_ppo_sro (including ppo sro)
      • run_multi_ptf_shppo_sro (including shppo and shsro)
    • source (opponent policies)
    • util
    • main (entry function)



pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Example


python main.py -a multi_ppo -c ppo_conf -g pacman -d pacman_conf game_name=originalClassic num_adversaries=1 adv_load_model=True adv_load_model_path=source/pacman/original/0/model

some logs will be shown below:

INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from source/pacman/original/0/model_0.ckpt
win : [False, False, False, False],  step : 100,  discounted_reward : [ 0.61213843 -0.63762798 -0.63762798 -0.63762798],  discount_reward_mean : [ 0.61213843 -0.63762798 -0.63762798 -0.63762798],  undiscounted_reward : [ 0.31 -1.01 -1.01 -1.01],  reward_mean : [ 0.31 -1.01 -1.01 -1.01],  episode : 0,
win : [False, False, False, False],  step : 100,  discounted_reward : [ 0.58945708 -0.63762798 -0.63762798 -0.63762798],  discount_reward_mean : [ 0.60079775 -0.63762798 -0.63762798 -0.63762798],  undiscounted_reward : [ 0.31 -1.01 -1.01 -1.01],  reward_mean : [ 0.31 -1.01 -1.01 -1.01],  episode : 1,


All results will be stored in the results/alg_name/game_type/game_name/time folder, every folder contains graph, log, model, output, args.json, command.txt

If you do not want to save graph and model, setting param save_model=False.

  • graph: can use tensorboard --logdir=path to check the tensorflow graph and loss in terminal.
  • log: the print results in terminal.
  • model: models saved every save_per_episodes episodes.
  • output.json: reward results.
  • args.json: store all params.
  • command.txt: shell command.

Source Policy

Source policies contain pre-trained opponent policies. For example, in pac-man, the pac-man agent is the opponent, the policy is a pre-trained PPO; in predator-prey, the blue circle agents are pre-trained using PPO. Using test mode via -t load_modelcan reload the model to render


The config files act as defaults for an algorithm or environment.

They are all located in config.

Operating parameters

Take the above example:

  • -a multi_ppo: choose an algorithm.
  • -c ppo_conf: choose corresponding algorithm configuration.
  • -g pacman: game type.
  • -d pacman_conf: game configuration.
  • -t: evaluation the results, by setting -t True, and -t False as default.
  • game_name=originalClassic: choose a game environment.
  • num_adversaries=1: as needed.
  • adv_load_model=True adv_load_model_path=source/pacman/original/0/model: load source policy.
  • adv_use_option, good_use_option: use option, by setting True, False as default. Learning ppo, shppo and maddpg, setting False, otherwise setting True as needed.

Core parameters


  • option_layer_1=128, option_layer_2=128
  • learning_rate_r=0.0003
  • embedding_dim=32
  • option_embedding_layer=64
  • recon_loss_coef=0.1
  • option_batch_size=32
  • c1=0.005
  • e_greedy_increment=0.001
  • learning_rate_o=0.00001, learning_rate_t=0.00001
  • xi=0.005

Some experiences setting in paper

#ppo+sro, game type=pacman, game environment=mediumClassic
#ppo+sro, game type=pacman, game environment=originalClassic
#maddpg+sro, game type=particle, game environment=simple_tag
option_layer_1=128 option_layer_2=128 
learning_rate_o=0.00001 learning_rate_t=0.00001 
#ppo+sro, game type=particle, game environment=simple_tag
option_layer_1=32 option_layer_2=32 
#shsro, game type=particle, game environment=simple_tag
option_layer_1=32 option_layer_2=32 

MADDPG code follows: https://github.com/openai/maddpg

In BibTeX format:

  title={An Efficient Transfer Learning Framework for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning},
  author={Yang, Tianpei and Wang, Weixun and Tang, Hongyao and Hao, Jianye and Meng, Zhaopeng and Mao, Hangyu and Li, Dong and Liu, Wulong and Chen, Yingfeng and Hu, Yujing and others},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},