
:slot_machine: Compose Slack messages from JSX Components instead of writing JSON

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Nested JSON is hard to grasp on first sight. Use familiar JSX component syntax to compose Slack messages instead.



npm install slack-jsx


/** @jsx Slack */

import Slack from 'slack-jsx'
import { Message, Attachment } from 'slack-jsx/components'

<Message text='I am a test message' />

  <Attachment pretext='Above the attachment' />


pragma(node, props, ...children)

Compiles a Slack message from slack-jsx components.

  • returns: Slack JSON message string
  • node - a slack-jsx compatible component
  • props - any valid combination of Slack message props
  • children - an Array of sub-components with following behavior:
    • first child - if Array, it gets flattened into children
    • rest - not flattened in any case


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue. But before doing anything, please read the CONTRIBUTING.md guidelines.