
An elixir application to recommend playlists to you based upon your music taste

Primary LanguageElixir



For this application, I wanted to focus on improving the following skills:

  • Improving my knowledge about interacting with an API
  • Concurrent programming (primarily asyncronous HTTP requests)
  • State Management via GenServers
  • Functional Programming concepts and pipelining

How to Run

  1. Start up the server
  mix deps.get
  mix phx.server
  1. Navigate to http://localhost:4000/authorize in order to authorize the application to access your spotify

  2. Navigate to http://localhost:4000 and have fun creating your playlist!

Warning Due to the limitations of the Spotify API, some playlist creation processes may not be successfully fulfilled in a timely manner. In order to combat this, I call the add_songs function recursively until it is successful. That being said, some requests may take longer than others. There will be a fix for this in the near future