
Elixir wrapper for the JIRA REST API

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Elixir wrapper for the JIRA REST API as outlined here.

Still in development. POST has not been tested. Need remainder of resources implemented. Contributions welcome!

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ExJira can be installed by adding ex_jira to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:ex_jira, "~> 0.0.5"}]


ExJira requires three application variables. Add the following variables to your config.exs file (this example retrieves those variables from environment variables):

config :ex_jira,
  account: System.get_env("JIRA_ACCOUNT"),
  username: System.get_env("JIRA_USERNAME"),
  password: System.get_env("JIRA_PASSWORD")

The HTTPotion timeout value is configurable by the optional timeout application variable, which defaults to 30_000 (30 seconds) when not set:

config :ex_jira,
  timeout: 60_000

For testing purposes, you can override the HTTP client that ExJira uses via the following application variable:

config :ex_jira,
  http_client: ExJira.MockClient



{:ok, dashboards} = ExJira.Dashboard.all()
{:ok, dashboards} = ExJira.Dashboard.all(filter: "favourite")
dashboards = ExJira.Dashboard.all!()
dashboards = ExJira.Dashboard.all!(filter: "favourite")


{:ok, projects} = ExJira.Project.all()
{:ok, projects} = ExJira.Project.all(expand: "description,url")
projects = ExJira.Project.all!()
projects = ExJira.Project.all!(expand: "description,url")

{:ok, project} = ExJira.Project.get("1001")
{:ok, project} = ExJira.Project.get("1001", expand: "description,url")
project = ExJira.Project.get!("1001")
project = ExJira.Project.get!("1001", expand: "description,url")

{:ok, issues} = ExJira.Project.get_issues("1001")
{:ok, issues} = ExJira.Project.get_issues("1001", expand: "operations")
issues = ExJira.Project.get_issues!("1001")
issues = ExJira.Project.get_issues!("1001", expand: "operations")

Raw requests to Jira for resources that are not yet implemented can be made like this:

{:ok, dashboards} = ExJira.Request.get_one("/dashboard","filter=favourite")
{:ok, ret} = ExJira.Request.post("/project", "", "{\"name\":\"test\"}")

Docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/ex_jira.