This repository contains codes and collected user study data for the paper Classification from Ambiguity Comparisons.

Python 3.6.2 is used. Dependencies are specified in the requirements.txt file.

Simulation Study

Options of the execution file are

  • --setting: Setting passive for the sufficient budget case and active for the insufficient budget case.
  • --dataset: Selections for sufficient budget are mnist1v7, mnist3v5, fashion0v6, fashion2v4, kuzushi1v7, kuzushi2v6, cifar1v9 and cifar4v7. Dataset for insufficient budget is gaussian.
  • --run: Times for independent repetitions.
  • -m: The hyper-parameter for repetition number of a single query.
  • -t: The hyper-parameter for the size of the delegation subset.
  • --noise: The noise rate for both oracles.
  • --eps: The precision hyper-parameter for active learning.
  • -n: Number of generated data points for active learning.

Sample Result

Command python --setting passive --dataset mnist1v7 --run 1 -m 5 -t 20 --noise 0.3 will generate the following results.

run 1/10: label 0.9665, knn 0.9881

Command python --setting passive --dataset cifar1v9 --run 1 -m 5 -t 20 --noise 0.3 will finally generate the following results.

run 1/1: label 0.9655, knn 0.9980, co 0.8440

Command python --setting active --dataset gaussian --run 1 --noise 0.3 --eps 0.1 -n 10000 will generate the following results.

Step 1: HS 655, ACC 0.9767
Step 2: HS 460, ACC 0.9950
Step 3: HS 31, ACC 0.9990

User Study

User Study on Difficulty of selected Kuzushiji Images pairs

The data files are data/user/collect25_1.csv and data/user/collect25_2.csv.

Command python will generate the following results.

mean 2.7486, std 0.3421
Ttest_1sampResult(statistic=-5.145177699062356, pvalue=4.693217551403353e-06)

User Study on Kuzushiji Images using simulated pairwise comparisons

The data file is data/user/kuzushiji-medoids-simulation.csv.

It has 20 rows, with each row indicating the results from one user.

It has 100 columns, as the explicit labeling and its difficulty are collected for 50 medoids.

User Study on Kuzushiji Images using actual pairwise annotations

The data file is data/user/kuzushiji-medoids-annotation.npz and data/user/kuzushiji-uniform-annotation.npz.

Inside the files, the array 'pos_res' has size (25*25*10) and containes the pairwise annotation for all possible pairs among 25 selected images from 10 users. Similarly, the array 'amb_res' in the files has the same size.

The file has only one option --setting. This option can be set as medoids or uniform.

Command python --setting medoids will evaluate methods on the medoids feedback.

User Study on Car Images using simulated pairwise comparisons

The data file is data/user/car-simulation-annotation.npz.

In the file, the array 'abso' has shape (4*150) as four users are queried on 150 images.

In, the function sim() constructs pairwise comparison results from the 'abso' array.

Command python will evalute methods on the data.


If you use the proposed method or any of the data in your work, we would appreciate a reference to our paper:

  author       = {Zhenghang Cui and Issei Sato},
  title        = {Classification from Ambiguity Comparisons},
  year         = {2020},
  eprinttype   = {arXiv:2008.00645},