
notes for 2019 HED summer school

This is the README for the kinetic workshop of the 2019 HED Summer School in UCSD. The purpose of this repo is to have a central location for all of the information relevant to the kinetic workshop, including notes and instructions for running the various notebooks.

Downloading and/or using notebooks

You can run the notebooks in 2 ways, depending on whether or not you want to modify it.

Using the PICKSC Hub

For those of you who are less adventurous, you can run it from our Jupyterhub. This is available on your browser, with a GitHub account. If you don't have a GitHub account, just visit github.com to get one. Once you have acquired an account, visit the UCLA PICKSC jupyter hub, located at:


and you can log in via your GitHub account. The notebooks are loaded into your personal folder so you can modify them on the hub, but the storage on the hub is not permanent so the changes are not kept indefinitely, but on the plus side, you do not need to install anything.

Download your own notebooks:

Of course, you can also run the notebooks on your own computer. This gives you more control of the notebooks and allow you to contribute to our GitHub repo. The downside of this method is that you need to download Dockers, which, as of the writing of this file, is still not fully supported on Windows 10. I have managed to get it to work initially, following the initial installation, but after a few Windows update, the software stopped working. However, docker works properly both on Linux and Mac OS, so if you use one of these operating systems, then you using the notebook natively on your own computer is fairly straight forward.

For the Mac OS, you can download Docker here:


For linux, you can follow the instructions on this page:



Birdsall & Langdon(general information on : https://github.com/ThePolywellGuy/Polywell-Papers/blob/master/1985%20-%20Berkely%20-%20Plasma%20Physics%20via%20Computer%20Simulation%20-%20Birdsall%2C%20Langdon.pdf

Langdon, Lasinski and Kruer: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.43.133

Langdon paper on energy conservation (& grid instability): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999170900240

Forslund paper on parametric instability: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.861249

Lin and Dawson paper on Compton Scattering:


Dawson Sheet Model:


Sideband Instability by Kruer:


Dawson's explanation on Landau Damping:


Denavit & Kruer:


Malmberg, Wharton, O'Neil:


Kruer, Dawson Sudan:


Coffey wave breaking limit:


Denavit and Kruer (1971)
