
Primary LanguagePython

PISE Server

PISE (Protocol Inference with Symbolic Execution) is a tool that leverages symbolic execution and automata learning to uncover the state machine of a protocol implemented in a given executable. It is available in two modules:

  • The server (this repo): for performing the symbolic execution. Implemented in Python.
  • The client: responsible for automata learning. Implemented in Java.


  • angr - symbolic execution engine
  • PISEClient - the module that performs the actual learning ("Learner")
  • Python - 3.8+


In order to start working with PISE, first clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/ron4548/InferenceServer.git
cd InferenceServer

We recommend working with virtual environments, as angr recommends doing so:

python -m venv ./venv

Then simply run source ./venv/bin/activate(linux) or venv\Scripts\activate.bat (Windows) to enter the virtual environment.

Now install all the required python packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

And you are done.

Running PISE on the provided Gh0st RAT example

  1. Make sure you have installed PISEClient.
  2. Start a PISE server instance for the Gh0st RAT example: python -m examples.ghost.gh0st_rat_inference. Wait for the server to load the binary and set hooks.
  3. Start a PISE learner instance by running mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.pise.client.PiseLearner". PISE will now run.
  4. While PISE is running, you will be able to see a snapshot of the currently learned state machine in PISEClient/out/snapshot.dot.png and the currently known message types in PISEClient/out/snapshot_alphabet.txt.
  5. When the learning is done, the learned state machine will be available in PISEClient/out/final_graph.dot.png and the final set of message types in PISEClient/out/final_alphabet.txt.

Demo Video

PISE demo video


Applying the method on a binary

We demonstrate the application of the tool on a toy client we provide (examples/toy_example/toy_example). Alternatively, You can compile this example by executing cd examples/toy_example && make && cd ../... We recommend that you use the binary we provide to avoid issues with the extraction of the message buffer and length. The code that starts a server for the toy example already exists in examples/toy_example/toy_client_inference.py.

  1. First we need to identify the addresses (or names) of the functions that send/receive messages within the executable. They can be as low-level as libc's send and receive, or possibly a more abstract function like send_message or receive_message. The key part here is to identify where are the message buffer and its length are stored within the program state, as well as what is the return value that indicates a successful send/receive of a message. We suggest doing so with a disassembler tool, like IDA. In our toy example we simply hook libc's send and receive functions.

  2. Create a class to describe every function identified in (1). This class should implement the interface SendReceiveCallSite that contains 3 methods:

    # This interface describes a callsite that sends/receive messages in the binary, and therefore should be hooked
    class SendReceiveCallSite:
        # This function should set the hook within the symbolic execution engine
        # In our case it gets the angr project with the executable loaded
        # Return value is ignored
        def set_hook(self, angr_project):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        # This function should extract the buffer pointer and the buffer length from the program state
        # It is given the call_context as angr's SimProcedure instance, which contains under call_context.state the program state
        # Should return: (buffer, length) tuple
        def extract_arguments(self, call_context):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        # This function should return the suitable return value to simulate a successful send or receive from the callsite
        # It is given the buffer, the length and the call_context (which contains the state)
        # Should return: the return value that will be passed to the caller
        def get_return_value(self, buffer, length, call_context):
            raise NotImplementedError()

    In our toy example, we simply hook send and receive, which use the standard x86-64 calling convention. The functions should return the length of the provided buffer, to simulate a successful send or receive of the desired length.

    from pise import hooks
    # Hook libc's send function
    # The first argument is the buffer, the second argument is its length.
    # The return value should be simply the length of the buffer
    class ToySendHook(hooks.SendReceiveCallSite):
        def get_return_value(self, buff, length, call_context):
            # Something messed up with angr return value handling, so we simply set rax with the desired return value
            call_context.state.regs.rax = length
        def set_hook(self, p):
            p.hook_symbol('send', hooks.SendHook(self))
        def extract_arguments(self, call_context):
            length = call_context.state.regs.edx
            buffer = call_context.state.regs.rsi
            return buffer, length
    # Hook libc's receive function
    # The first argument is the buffer, the second argument is its length.
    # The return value should be simply the length of the buffer
    class ToyRecvHook(hooks.SendReceiveCallSite):
        def get_return_value(self, buff, length, call_context):
            # Something messed up with angr return value handling, so we simply set rax with the desired return value
            call_context.state.regs.rax = length
        def set_hook(self, p):
            p.hook_symbol('recv', hooks.RecvHook(self))
        def extract_arguments(self, call_context):
            length = call_context.state.regs.edx
            buffer = call_context.state.regs.rsi
            return buffer, length
  3. Finally, we should setup a query runner and a server to use that query runner. In our example it looks like:

    query_runner = sym_execution.QueryRunner('toy_example', [ToySendHook(), ToyRecvHook()])

    where toy_example is the binary to work with, and [ToySendHook(), ToyRecvHook()] is a list of call sites that should be hooked. The server simply gets a query runner for which it passes the queries, and listens for a learner to connect.

    The server will start up, and listen on port 8080, ready to process queries from the learner module.

The server for our toy example can be simply started with python -m examples.toy_example.toy_client_inference. Once your server is running, you are ready to start the learner.

Talks & Paper

The PISE paper is available here.

Our Black Hat USA 2022 briefing is available here.