
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A simple Flask API for simple tests.

Running miniapi


This app has been tested with Python 3.9. To install Python module prerequisites, run:

$ pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt

Running Locally

To run the API service directly, run:

$ ./miniapi/app.py

The API service will listen on and port 5000. You can reach the app at http://localhost:5000/.

Running in Docker

To build the Docker container, run:

$ docker build . -t miniapi

And to run it, run:

$ docker run -p 5000:5000 -n miniapi --rm -d miniapi

You can reach the container at http://localhost:5000/.

To stop the container, run:

$ docker stop miniapi

Local Development

Pushing Docker Containers

As a convenience, the script ./scripts/docker-build.sh may be used to build and push the miniapi container to Docker Hub. To use it, first log on to docker hub.

$ docker login

Then run the ./scripts/docker-build.sh script with the name of the container image you wish to push. The script will first build and then push the container with both the :latest and :<version> tag as described below in Versioning.

$ ./scripts/docker-build.sh zconger/miniapi


The VERSION file at the base of this repo contains the semver version number for the container that will be built by ./scripts/docker-build.sh. This script will run via GitHub Actions whenever the master branch is pushed to GitHub. You can run it manually to build and push the away168/rps container like so:

$ ./scripts/docker-build.sh

For convenience, you can use the script ./scripts/bump-version.sh to update the VERSION file. This script depends on the Python script bump2version. The configuration file for bump2version is found in this repo at ./.bumpversion.cfg.

bump-version Examples

Get help:

$ ./scripts/bump-version.sh --help
Usage: bump-version.sh [--dry-run] [PART]
  PART            The part of the semver version to bump: major, minor, or patch
                  Default: patch
  -h | --help     Print this usage guide.
  -d | --dry-run  Do a dry run and print what the version bump would do
  This script requires bump2version -- https://pypi.org/project/bump2version/

Try a dry run patch bump. The version will not be updated with a dry run:

$ ./scripts/bump-version.sh --dry-run
SUCCESS: Version is now set to 1.0.4.

GitHub Actions Workflow

This repository contains a GitHub Actions workflow at ./.github/workflows/container-push.yml. It is configured to run any time a commit is pushed to either the master or main branch. For it to work in your environment, you must add the following secrets to your GitHub repository:

- `DOCKER_USERNAME`: Your Docker Hub username
- `DOCKER_PASSWORD`: Your Docker Hub password or access token

You must also specify the name of the container image you wish to push in the jobs.push_to_registry.env.IMAGE_NAME setting in ./.github/workflows/container-push.yml. This environment variable is set to zconger/miniapi by default, which won't work without my Docker Hub credentials!

Thank you! --Zachary