I didn't have any goal at the begining of this projet, I just wanted to practice my Rust. Had to learn new things. Learn how a kernel work, to discovery how the memory is handelled on bare metal, how segfault are detected... But I did gave myself some target.
- The code must be in Rust, and avoid assembly or unsafe Rust as much a possible.
- The end product should look like a terminal juste like the one in the video game series "Fallout"
This is written in Rust, so you obviously need to have rust installed.
In order to run this, you need to have installed qemu
and bootimage
# apt-get install qemu -y
# dnf install qemu -y
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup component add rust-src
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
cargo install bootimage
Now you can hit cargo run
If a problem occurs, feel free to open an issue. Or to make a PR.