
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Pet project to track information about electricity outages.


  • install NodeJS, nvm, fly console
  • nvm use
  • npm ci
  • see https://fly.io/docs
  • create fly apps with electrobot and electrobotstg names
  • crate pg-electro-bot and pg-electro-bot-stg fly Postgres clusters for prod and stg envs
  • attach apps to corresponding Postgres clusters
  • set secrests for prod and stg envs (see apps/electro-bot/.env.example)

Run in local dev env mode

  • set values in apps/electro-bot/.env (see apps/electro-bot/.env.example and fly.toml)
  • npm start


  • npm run migrate:electro-bot to apply migrations
  • npx knex migrate:make some_migration_name to create new migration

Connect to remote Postgre

Staging: fly proxy 5433 -a pg-electro-bot-stg, production: fly proxy 5433 -a pg-electro-bot.


TODO: this is tmp solution that causes downtime during deployment, come up with normal flow.

!Always deploy staging env first (this minimizes prod downtime since all images are already built).


  • fly --config fly.stg.toml scale count 0
  • fly --config fly.stg.toml deploy
  • fly --config fly.stg.toml scale count 1


  • fly scale count 0
  • fly deploy
  • fly scale count 1


Staging: fly apps restart electrobotstg, production: fly apps restart electrobot.


Staging: fly --config fly.stg.toml logs, production: fly logs.

Recreate builder

Do this when no space left on builder device:

  • fly apps list | grep builder
  • fly apps destroy <name>

Generate HTML docs

  • npm run gendoc