
Chess perft analyzer that uses pre-compiled arrays of pseudo legal moves per piece type.

Primary LanguageC++


Chess perft analyzer that uses pre-compiled arrays of pseudo legal moves per piece type.

I am planning on writing several perft analyzers using various board representations and move generators. This is the first in that series.

Before adding legality checking this approach would run at about 100-150 MLeafs per second on my i5 laptop. Adding legality checking (and a check evasion generator) dropped that rate down to between 15 and 80 MLeafs per second. So the pre-compiled list of pseudo legal moves is a decent way of generating moves, but a smarter approach is needed for legality checking.

Example test run on Intel® Core™ i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz

$ ./test.sh aperft

83864 aperft.O1
 min KLeafs/sec = 23079.2
 max KLeafs/sec = 60096.4

real  5m15.405s
user  5m15.748s
sys   0m0.016s

83456 aperft.O2
 min KLeafs/sec = 25244.9
 max KLeafs/sec = 67464.5

real  4m33.247s
user  4m33.520s
sys   0m0.064s

88208 aperft.O3
 min KLeafs/sec = 20711.3
 max KLeafs/sec = 68929.1

real  4m57.895s
user  4m58.172s
sys   0m0.068s


This is aperft with directional slider attack tables.

Each square that is attacked by a slider knows which square the attacking slider(s) are on. The attacker squares are stored according to the direction of their attack, this makes clearing/updating the from square in any direction very trivial.

It's slightly slower than aperft but the attack maps would be very useful in a real chess engine. It's also possible that tweaking the move generation routines to better take advantage of the attack maps could bring bperft performance up to par with aperft, maybe even surpass it.

Example test run on Intel® Core™ i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz

$ ./test.sh bperft

88264 bperft.O1
 min KLeafs/sec = 24393.5
 max KLeafs/sec = 57594.6

real  5m39.340s
user  5m39.668s
sys   0m0.056s

83688 bperft.O2
 min KLeafs/sec = 27553.3
 max KLeafs/sec = 63153.1

real  5m3.814s
user  5m4.112s
sys   0m0.052s

92544 bperft.O3
 min KLeafs/sec = 26876.7
 max KLeafs/sec = 62340.1

real  5m9.172s
user  5m9.480s
sys   0m0.040s


This is aperft with pre-calculated move tables replaced with pre-calculated farthest square per direction tables. Pawn pushes and castling moves are not pre-calculated.

I also attempted to optimize the AttackedBy and GetCheckEvasions routines a bit. I will apply the same optimizations to those same routines in aperft.

Example test run on Intel® Core™ i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz

$ ./test.sh cperft

87768 cperft.O1
 min KLeafs/sec = 24150
 max KLeafs/sec = 65502.4

real  4m31.899s
user  4m32.157s
sys   0m0.061s

87784 cperft.O2
 min KLeafs/sec = 26158.9
 max KLeafs/sec = 70247.9

real  4m11.490s
user  4m11.733s
sys   0m0.051s

75864 cperft.O3
 min KLeafs/sec = 27452.9
 max KLeafs/sec = 76436.7

real  4m1.852s
user  4m2.079s
sys   0m0.053s


This is cperft with directional slider attack tables.

Each square that is attacked by a slider knows which square the attacking slider(s) are on. The attacker squares are stored according to the direction of their attack, this makes clearing/updating the from square in any direction very trivial.

It's slightly slower than cperft but the attack maps would be very useful in a real chess engine. It's also possible that tweaking the move generation routines to better take advantage of the attack maps could bring dperft performance up to par with cperft, maybe even surpass it.

Example test run on Intel® Core™ i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz

$ ./test.sh dperft

88016 dperft.O1
 min KLeafs/sec = 28195.7
 max KLeafs/sec = 62703.4

real  4m41.328s
user  4m41.600s
sys   0m0.061s

87760 dperft.O2
 min KLeafs/sec = 28911.4
 max KLeafs/sec = 66859.1

real  4m32.320s
user  4m32.582s
sys   0m0.054s

80208 dperft.O3
 min KLeafs/sec = 32332.7
 max KLeafs/sec = 71763.9

real  4m18.079s
user  4m18.323s
sys   0m0.063s


This is dperft with additional logic to update slider mobility maps. This doesn't aid in move generation, it only provides extra information for use in a real chess engine. And this perft program exists for the sole purpose of determining how much overhead is needed to keep the mobility maps updated. It turns out that the bulk of the overhead is what was already in place for keeping the attack maps updated. Adding the mobility maps is practically free.

It may be possible to use the slider mobility table for move generation. But given that the mobility maps are organized by direction, resulting in gaps that must be traversed during move generation, I think it's cheaper to simply use the original slider movement maps that come from dperft because they don't have the gap problem.

Example test run on Intel® Core™ i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz

79664 eperft.O1
 min KLeafs/sec = 23795
 max KLeafs/sec = 68831.1

real  5m24.630s
user  5m24.956s
sys   0m0.044s

83384 eperft.O2
 min KLeafs/sec = 27456.8
 max KLeafs/sec = 70279.6

real  4m55.777s
user  4m56.048s
sys   0m0.076s

92352 eperft.O3
 min KLeafs/sec = 26744.6
 max KLeafs/sec = 68904.5

real  4m55.269s
user  4m55.548s
sys   0m0.052s